View Full Version : Dart frog breeders

03-12-03, 12:01 PM
Does anyone know of any dart frog breeders in Canada that breed dendrobates leucomelas, or Yellow banded/Bumble bee dart frogs?

I checked out Mark Peppers site and didn't see any and I don't know of anyone else who breeds darts. I am thinking of getting a couple this summer and was wondering if anyone know where I would be able to get some from and how much they usually go for.

Thanks for your help


Kyle Barker
03-12-03, 02:15 PM
E-mail him, he doesnt list everything he has. I know a couple other people who have them but babies arent usually available.

03-12-03, 02:20 PM
Thanks Kyle

03-13-03, 03:33 AM
well whats really wierd is that up here not to many breeders keep them. The funny thing is that they are in such high demand that once hilde and john kirlin start breeding theres demand will just sky rocket. I accually don't believe mark pepper is working with them because he has never mentioned it and in the past 3.5 years I have never heard anything about him keeping them. another person who has a extrememly large group of them is ron jung.

personally I have given up because I can't get the exact frogs I want up here so I don't look it up. I find it really depressing when your talking to people in the usa and they say they get these awsome frogs for such a low price and than you look at us the canadian dart keepers and we are dieing to get our hands on them. Plus it sucks when your proud about getting some frogs and you tell people and they are like "oh great, hey you got ripped off, hey guess what i got". well maybe its a bit to late but as you can see i have a problem when it comes to the dart frog hobby up here in canada.


03-13-03, 06:28 AM
I understand how you feel Laurier . . . . . I might just be getting my hopes up as to the fact of the darts that I want, but if I can't find these there are always the tinctorius that are cool. And we do need more breeders here in Canada and especially any amphibian breeders on the east cost because I haven't been able to locate one yet. Hopefully though when I get a few more red-eyes I will be able to breed them and as far as I know no one else in Nova Scotia has done it yet so I would be the first if I am successful (but I could be wrong).

Mark Pepper
03-13-03, 08:23 AM
Dont give up yet redeye matt! Have a little patience and i am sure you will find what you are looking for.
And laurier dont get too frustrated, the Canadian market will never compare to the american or european ones we just dont have the population to support it. This hobby has come along way in 6 years. Get several emails a day from people in Canada with inquires about frogs or from those who are interested in frogs. When i first started at this and i think i have said this before, there was practically nothing available outside of green and black auratus, and the occasional powder blue tinc. Now there are over 20 species/morphs which are commonly available. I myself usually have between 10-13 species available and will be adding to that soon. However this hobby is still in its infancy up here, and i dont mean that in a negative way. Frogs like the thumbnails and pumilios are for the most part a hard sell up here. Thats why I export them, frogs i couldnt sell in six months in canada are sold after less than an hour after advertising them in the american, or european markets. As the hobby continues to grow so will species availabity.
Hang in there guys and dont get too discouraged if you cant find what you want, there are plenty of types we all want that just are not available for one reason or another, I would offer my first born for some lehmanni, bulseye histos, or some isla colon pumilio :)

oh and I unfortunately dont work with leucs, yet, cant have everything i guess...

Mark Pepper
03-13-03, 08:34 AM
I would also like to add to lauriers comments about getting depressed after talking to american because frogs he wants are available in the states, and not here...
You are not alone laurier, when I discuss this with several american friends we often talk about what we want thats Not available in north america yet, but is in Europe. Then i talk to some of my German and English buddies, and they always complain that there are so many species in the wild that are not availabl in captivity yet, or about ones they couldnt find on their trips to the rainforest. Its luck one big jealous circle, and its seems no one is completely happy with wht they have, and everyone wants something new :) I think its only human nature to desire what may seem unnatainable

Kyle Barker
03-13-03, 01:52 PM
Im hoping to get some from john when they breed, but there is a pet store out here that has bred them, but the guy is an *** and a pain to deal with.

03-13-03, 03:22 PM
Dragon Drop (aka Woodland Herps) breeds these but won't have any available for months yet as they haven't been breeding yet

Herp guy
03-13-03, 03:36 PM
Check out www.************** I was recently looking at a website and it had around 17 different color morphs. You might be able to go to ************** and then type in dart frogs in the herpsearch box. Hope you find some.


Herp guy
03-13-03, 03:38 PM
ok sorry, the website i entered in was banned. its www.king**snake**.com , just take out the ***'s and thats the website.. Hope it helps


03-13-03, 06:42 PM
ya, I also have the problem with fruit flies. I accually am paying $140 every 2 weeks to pay for crickets mainly because i can never get successful with fruit fly culture mainly because of the mix I use. If I got them processing on a regular schedual I would be getting more frogs (I am still kicking myself for not getting those bastimentos pumilio off you a year ago mark and am looking forward to october). I also had problems selling frogs. crap I offered a sexed pair (male is calling) dendrobates tinctorius - surinam cobalts- and no one took them. they just said to me that asking $200 for the sexed pair was way to much. well I am in the process of moving so once this is done I am accually going to get a better set up for my frogs.

well poison frogs are a dead hobby out on the west coast. anyways my car is taking up 90% of my cash right now.


Mark Pepper
03-14-03, 12:01 AM
Hang in there Laurier, dont get too discouraged. send me an email and ill get some flys out to you, i feel bad for you paying that much for crix. I am surprised the cobalts that didnt sell at that price., as froglets sell usually in the $80 range, higher in pet stores. Canada is definately an interesting country to do bussiness in, especially when it comes to animals IMHO
I wouldnt say its a dead hobby just yet out west, I ship more frogs out west than anywhere else in Canada. Like i said hang in there, i think you will be very happy with what should become available in the next year or so.
take care,