03-10-03, 07:41 PM
I recently got a Columbian Red Tail. The woman I bought it off of said it was 3 years old. She is 5ft long right now. The woman said that she didnt eat in 2 weeks because she was selling her "red" and didnt want that stress on the snake. Well I have had Red for two weeks now and she still wont eat. I kept the same cage that she was in with the other woman and nothing. The cage was that paper filling which I have since changed to "eco Earth". Well anyway I took red to a reptile shope in town and the guy there knew the snake right away. He said he saw her two years ago and she was the same size. He also told me that the snake is closer to 5 years old not 3 and was stolen, but thats a different story and it will be impossible for me to find the original owner. Soo anyways she still wont eat and I hav had her for two weeks now, and the guy at the reptile store said she looked healthy, and she is very active but just wont eat. Its been four weeks now. Any help would be great. Thanks.