View Full Version : Advice Needed!

03-10-03, 06:04 PM
I landed my first educational presentation due at the end of the week. All I have to offer is 2 baby boas and a leapord gecko. It is a smale group of kids ranging from grade 2-4 my G/F's little cousin wanted to borrow my boas to do the presentation and I said he would need written permission from his principal b4 bringing any animals. Anyways I also called the principal and he wants me to do the presentation instead.

Anyways,I am not a genious with reptiles and was wondering if some of you pro breeders would like to shed some light on some cool facts that may amaze a bunch of 10 year olds.

Also if there is any one that may like to donate an animal for the little presentation..it would be greatly appreciated. I live in the ottawa region so if any of you would like..i would like to show them a burm or something that is quite large.

Thanks! Chondro Python :cool:

03-10-03, 06:10 PM
Hey Chondro,

I wish I could be more help, but one thing I am sure of is that you will do a terrific job, even with what you have.

You may want to check with Trevor (Boid keeper) he is a great guy and if I recall has a post of his experience showing his herps, plus the added bonus that he is a teacher.


03-10-03, 08:17 PM
It may not be appropriate but a feeding might be cool. Of course the animals might be under too much stress to eat. but it sure would be cool to see. A length of rope showing the length that the snakes could get would give the kids an idea of their adult length. Oh ya, don't feed the boas for at least a few days before the show. regurge is disgusting.

03-10-03, 08:42 PM
I vote no to feeding in class. Sounds like something you'd see in a movie which was followed by a bunch of "ewwwwws" and kids having nightmares about snakes. Just what this hobby needs...a bunch of kids growing up with bad opinions of snakes from the start.


03-10-03, 09:43 PM
Yah i know..i wont be feeding the snakes in class. I think that is illegal..well last i heard. Anyways, im sure ill do just fine and maybe just feed my leopard gecko..instead. That wont make them have nightmares! anyways.. thanks for all the help people!
Come on people! Gimme some more ideas!

Chondro Python :cool:

03-10-03, 10:53 PM
I don't know if it's illegal to feed a snake in public or not, doubt it as i've seen it on tv countless times and i've seen food left for snakes in petstores.

03-11-03, 02:49 PM
I dont know all I know is when I was working at the pet store in New-Brunswick I was told not to feed the snakes during day time hours cause somthing to do with corupting littel kids. You know can you imagine turning the corner and seeing stuart littel in some snakes mouth or thumper the kid will never sleep again LOL.

03-11-03, 03:20 PM
hahaha!! yeah i wasnt allowed to feed large snakes where i worked during open hours either.

03-12-03, 11:18 AM
I doubt that it's illegal. Probably just not great for business if someone is in there wanting to buy a pet bunny rabbit and happens to catch glimpse of one being fed to a large snake.

I think Leopard geckos are great animals to show young children since if they are tame enough you can let the kids handle them (make sure to tell them to wash their hands afterwards for liability's sake). Good luck with it, you'll be great.

03-12-03, 11:25 AM
I don't know about a bunch of kids handling the gecko, it may be safe for the kids but will it stress out the gecko?

03-12-03, 11:43 AM
no man you only have to look at the tail the wrong way and the tail will fall of and so far he has a perfect tail I will just let my G/F cousin walk around with my female boa and teach a few thing about them.

03-12-03, 11:53 PM
some ideas for you.....

*kids like to touch things, so bringing in some old sheds would be great. If you have none lying around a local pet store might have old sheds and prehaps even tarantula molts to offer, I know I always keep some around to hand out to enthusiastic kids.
(at this point you can mention leopard geckos EAT their shed, nothin like the gross factor to cheer up a bunch of 10 year olds).
*ask them questions, kids like to show off what they know...see if they can name three of the worlds biggest snakes(good idea to get the string out to demonstrate), do any of them know any snakes native to Ontario?
*point out interesting facts...like, some snakes give LIVE birth to their young, snakes actually have TEETH, explain how a snake swallows it's prey..uuummmm....i'm lost for lizard facts, lol, I'm a snake girl myself.

I can prolly help you more when it's not 1a.m.:eek:

:skull: Jenn :skull:

03-13-03, 09:53 AM
Jenn had alot of good tips :) Here's the basic guideline I follow when I do presenations...

*Introduce the animal by name
*Have them guess what it is
*Tell them what it is (if they are right, if they arent correct them)
*Ask if they think it is full grown or not
*Ask where they think he comes from, environment and location
*What he might eat
*Cover things like lifespan, husbandry, captive requirements, safety when handling them, give reasons for everything
*Include any interesting facts about the animal
*Go into status in the wild and some of its habits in the wild and how it varies from that in captivity

Main parts are just to keep the audience involved and not just you talking to them, have them ask questions at the end and always elaborate and go into detail about all points that you can. I know it seems like that might be a bit heavy for a group of ten year olds, but its all in the way you do it. The average age group I do presentations to are 3-12 years old, and adults as well. Another thing you must be careful of is sanitation. It is a good idea to bring hand sanitizer along with you, and have them put it on before and after touching the animals, make it clear that they cannot touch their face until they have put the sanitizer on for the final time to get rid of any germs :eek: Hope this helped a little :) Good luck with your presentation :thumsup:

03-14-03, 12:55 PM
the stupid princeple canceld on me I told him that the next time he wants to waste some ones time not to use mine I have to much planig to do and enuff to worry about with my own schooling and stuff like that. that I did not need his set backs to screw me around. I am so mad all my animals are redy to go my snakes boath shed and the gecko shed last week they were loking there best and ready to rock.

any way I needed to vent I am sorry thanks for all the sugestions ppl. I keep them in mind for the nex time I get this kind of oppertunatie

03-14-03, 01:16 PM
What was the reason for the cancellation?


03-14-03, 01:30 PM
That sucks, it sounded like a fun oppertunity to show the children your pets.

03-14-03, 01:39 PM
ya your telling me I was realy loking fowerd to it. the guy said he wasent gona be ther to daylike he did not know that b4 hand when he made the arengments with me any way I feel beter now my gf said I can have a new herp becaus of this so it is not all bad

03-14-03, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by chondro python
the guy said he wasent gona be ther to daylike he did not know that b4 hand when he made the arengments with me

Don't be so quick to assume he was purposely screwing you around. Unexpected things do come up in life, I'm sure he wouldn't have purposely made arrangements on a dayhe knew he wasn't gong to be there ;)

03-14-03, 01:55 PM
no but yo se he is my G/F EX boyfriends father and he dose not like her so only when word got she was dating me that is when he calld up and canseld I was talking to him yesturday night and it was a go.

03-14-03, 03:42 PM
hahaha!!! That sucks! But hey... Its always worth it if you get to get another reptile! What are you going to get?

Snake Lady
03-16-03, 10:45 AM
my gf told me i could have a burm! hehe i was soo happy! i went to magazoo and they have the cutest baby burm there..it was between the lil burm or the retic and she chose the burm.


Snake Lady
03-16-03, 10:46 AM
oops the gf forgot to sign out again!

Chondro Python