View Full Version : Bad Shed

03-10-03, 10:32 AM
My BP always has bad sheds, i dont understand why:confused: .

During the period when she is shedding i have the humidity up to like 90% in her enclosure. ever since i got her she has had bed sheds.........can anyone please help me out and give me some ideas on what to do????

03-10-03, 12:33 PM
What do you mean by a bad shed? Is all of her old skin coming off? Are her old eye caps staying on? Or is it that her sheds are more than one piece?

03-10-03, 12:46 PM
I have the same problem with both my bp's, ambient humidity is 50-60% at regular times and then I up it to 70-80% in shed faze and put in a humid hide and give my snake warm water soaks and the buggers still can't shed in one peice.

My female does manage to get everything off all by herself in 1000 peices but my male really has a hard time. The last shed, he only was able to get the skin of his head and the 1st inch of his neck.

I too am wondering about what else I could be doing to help my bp's shed better. None of the other species I keep have any problems shedding, just the BP's...

I posted a poll about a theory on a shed aid. I would have hoped for more responses from experienced snake keepers...


03-10-03, 01:33 PM
when mine sheds it's in a hundred pieces and the skin on herhead is always last to come off. i think she gets her old eye caps off but im not sure. i heard that ur snake can go blind if her eye caps dont shed and layers start producing. i always give her baths and spray her down. still, nothing works.