View Full Version : Basking Vs Ordinary Bulb?

03-09-03, 11:12 AM
Yesterday my V Day Glo Basking Spot Lamp "Tight Beam" bulb burnt out, and i cant get a new one till next friday. So I decided to put in a regular clear 60 watt light bulb and I have noticed the heat is actually hotter at the basking area, 100-105. This is for my bearded dragon. Now my question is, what is the difference? Why should i pay so much for a basking light vs a regular light bulb. Is there some other reasons to use them besides heat.

03-09-03, 11:23 AM
*shrugs* I use regular 60watt household bulbs for heat on most of my chameleon enclosures. They do just as good a job as those fancy pet store bulbs at a fraction of the cost. As far as I know there is no benefit to most of those brand name heat bulbs you'll find in the pet stores, unless you get into the expensive Powersuns and the like.



03-10-03, 05:24 PM
Unless they have UV i can't see the reason to use them either.

03-10-03, 06:36 PM
Ya, I normally just use normal household light bulbs for day heat, and those nocturnal reptile bulbs at night. I dont think there is a difference, except that the reptile bulbs burn out faster.

03-11-03, 12:46 AM
For my torts I use powersuns or a UVB/UBA bulb with a 60Watt for heat. As long as you have other UV lights I won't pay double for a heat lamp.

03-21-03, 04:53 PM
That what i use. i'm not paying a lot of money if i can use a doller bulb.

03-21-03, 05:40 PM
I just use regular bulbs for my snakes. They don't have the UV requirements that lizards (and other reptiles) have, so why pay for it? The only reptiles I have currently are snakes, so I stick with regular bulbs, works great for me.

03-21-03, 08:22 PM
All mine are regular store bough light bulbs.. even my red bulbs... Home depot alwasy has what u need!

03-21-03, 08:47 PM
Dom, which brand of red bulbs do you get? I bought some blue bulbs once, and the colour just gradually fades away...


03-21-03, 09:40 PM
I own 21 snakes and thats all I use is 40, 60, & 100 watt ordinary house bulbs all depending on the size of the tank.
