View Full Version : A couple questions:
03-08-03, 08:03 PM
It's just my own curiosity, but I was wondering;
1) How many ciliatus do all of you people keep??
2) What colour "phases" do you have??
3) Why do you enjoy ciliatus so much??
4) What is the favourite food of your ciliatus??
5) How many of you breed them??
6) How old are the ciliatus keepers in here??
7) Have you seen a "Blue Phase" cresty in Canada??
>>>> If so, where, when and how much was this Blue Phase, and how far on the colour spectrum was this blue you sighted, and please call me to tell me how to get one. A light grey doesn't mean blue, so a true blue Cresty *lol*.
These questions are merely for my own curiosity, as I sat up late one night thinking to myself "hmmm... What makes the conventional crested gecko keeper tick??"
Feel free to answer all of the above questions, or only in part, as I understand if y'all are strapped for time.
Meh, I'm off now for the evening.
LATER kiddies.
It's just my own curiosity, but I was wondering;
<i>1) How many ciliatus do all of you people keep??</i>
Currently, I'm sitting at a low number with 6 breeders, one hatchling and a bunch of eggs.
<i>2) What colour "phases" do you have??</i>
A whole spectrum of fires, orange tiger, bright orange, yellow dalmation.
<i>3) Why do you enjoy ciliatus so much??</i>
They are large, hardy, and have personality. Breeding them is always a treat especially when you mix colors. You literally don't know what will hatch.
<i>4) What is the favourite food of your ciliatus??</i>
Roaches, without a doubt.
<i>5) How many of you breed them??</i>
:: waves her hand::
<i>6) How old are the ciliatus keepers in here??</i>
Bah...check my user look-up if you're that interested! ;)
<i>7) Have you seen a "Blue Phase" cresty in Canada?? </i>
There is no such thing. Rumors started after a Reptiles Anual magazine was published. In it, Allen R. had written an article, accompanied with photos. He admited himself that the flash and lighting made a couple pictures appear blue-ish. Now, people call funny grey colored ones or whatever 'blue'. I've actually read something about it being impossible for cresteds to even produce that color...
03-08-03, 09:26 PM
1) How many ciliatus do all of you people keep??
i only got 1.1 right now
2) What colour "phases" do you have??
they are rust colour and orange/red
3) Why do you enjoy ciliatus so much??
hardy, great geckos..
4) What is the favourite food of your ciliatus??
crix i'd say
5) How many of you breed them??
i'm working on it!
6) How old are the ciliatus keepers in here??
i'll tell u later..:P
03-09-03, 12:35 AM
1) How many ciliatus do all of you people keep??
one...:( lol
2) What colour "phases" do you have??
mine's orange I don't know much about phases :(
3) Why do you enjoy ciliatus so much??
Because they are hardy, *cute* eat baby food and are just the BEST gosh darnit.
4) What is the favourite food of your ciliatus??
Mealworms it seems!
5) How many of you breed them??
not yet :P
6) How old are the ciliatus keepers in here??
7) Have you seen a "Blue Phase" cresty in Canada??
I saw a picture of a greyish that COULD possible be percieved as blue, but like Youkai I read that thing about it being impossible...
Heather :w
03-09-03, 01:51 AM
LOL This is more interesting than I had initially imagined!!
;) Youkai, what, you think I'm hittin on ya?? ;) lol
Yea, I saw this whole "blue" crested crap in the annual as well, and I didn't particularly fall into it. I more or less felt it was a dream for herpers. Consider all of the herps out in the world today... How many really, truly exhibit the colour blue?? Sure some have spots, and the ambanja and nosey be blue panther chameleons, and Dendrobates azureus poison darts are primarily blue in colour, there really isnt' many other animals that are entirely blue.
Well ladies and gentlemen, thank you giving me a lil bit of amusement this evening. Talk to y'all later.
Hehe, no, I just don't like advertising my age! But it IS there for people to see.
And's too bad there really aren't any real blue ones. Blue herps are always spectacular to see!
scott hough
03-09-03, 02:46 AM
It's just my own curiosity, but I was wondering;
1) How many ciliatus do all of you people keep??
2) What colour "phases" do you have??
dalmation, fire, tiger.....probably many others. i can't keep up with all the names :)
3) Why do you enjoy ciliatus so much??
what can i say. they're great.
4) What is the favourite food of your ciliatus??
any red coloured baby food and crickets
5) How many of you breed them??
this will be our first season, wish us luck!
beth wallbank
03-09-03, 03:48 PM
1) How many ciliatus do all of you keep??
8.14.12 (+ eggs cooking)
2) What colour "phases" do you have??
Oh, red fire, yellow, yellow fire, orange brindles, peach, dark fires, some with dalmationing, some with more fire than others,
3) Why do you enjoy ciliatus so much??
Well, the only reptile species that haven't drawn blood....knock on wood
4) What is the favourite food of your ciliatus??
peach, banana, apricot, berry, chicken broth or related baby foods, nectar, crix, small mealies, roach babies, silk worm, and adults love their pinkies as a monthly treat
5) How many of you breed them??
Yes, I breed them......each egg that hatches is like waiting for Christmas morning to come.
6) How old are the ciliatus keepers in here??
Well, it seems I am older than most, younger than some...
7) Have any of you seen "blue" phased cresteds in Canada??
Nope, but on occasion flying pink elephants...
1) How many ciliatus: 4.10 and too many hatchlings. :)
2) What colour "phases": if you can name it I probably have one around here somewhere.
3)Why do you enjoy ciliatus so much: They can always make me laugh and their personalities are great.
4) What is the favorite food of your ciliatus: pears, mango and crix
5) How many of you breed them: Yep.
6) How old are the ciliatus keepers in here: I have no idea, maybe you should ask them ;)
7) Have you seen a blue phase cresty in canada: lol, good one. :D
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