View Full Version : Pac Man frog setups

03-08-03, 07:21 PM
Could anybody post pics of their Pac Man setups? I know Linds has one, but I couldn't find a pic of the entire setup in her gallery. Thanks!

03-11-03, 10:07 PM
Apologies for getting to this thread a little late. Here's my little guys setup. It's very simple, but it's easy to maintain and works very well :)

<center><img src="http://ssnakess.com/photopost/data/504/22frogsetup.jpg"></center>

Previously I was using rubbermaids. I actually prefer those setups best, they are the easiest to maintain. Humidity and airflow can be better balanced, but a friend gave me this tank and I thought it would be nice to make a little display :) All my kids are in rubbermaids, its ncie to see one or two ;)

03-14-03, 12:37 PM
Thanks Linds!

03-24-03, 10:29 PM
Well I normally have pictures up at www.fr0glet.org but it looks like my website will be down for a couple of days while we relocate the server.

So here's my description!

Tank floor: spagnum peat moss (looks like dirt) - got 4 cubic feet of it at Cenex for $9!!
Next layer: green moss - I buy it by the bag at Wal-Mart for about $4 each, lasts for months
1 potted live pothos plant for privacy
1 piece of cork bark propped up as a hide
1 6" terra cotta plant pot bottom waterdish (buried to ground level in the moss and peat). I get these at Wal-Mart for about $0.69 each... since it slowly leaches water out it keeps the floor level moist. I mist nightly, sometimes twice a day. He's always soaking in his water dish at dawn... perfect example of crepescular activity :)

03-26-03, 12:07 PM
:) fr0glet, that is the perfect set up for a horn frog as they are not water frogs and they dwell on the ground as they hide and wait for prey but they do need good moisture, alot of people and pet shops always seem to think setting them up on rocks and water will do.. thats not they way the should ever be set up as they can and will ingest the rocks and it will cause serious health probs if not killing the frog, it blocks the intestinal track.. You will find that setting your horn frogs up the right way like fr0glet, that not only do they live longer with fewer health probs and also that they are happier and eat better as it is more natural to there habitat...
Linds, your set up is great but you really should have ground bedding so that your horn frog can do its natural digging and hiding it self. it will feel more safe and at home.. Just a sugestion.. ;)

03-26-03, 08:33 PM
I used to have him on peat moss, however I find papertowel much easier to work with and keep clean. He does dig himself between the layers of papertowel, so it doesn't inhibit his natural desire to conceal himself in substrate :) Before taking pictures of his cage, I cleaned, so he hadn't worked up any of it yet ;)

03-27-03, 02:52 AM
Mine likes to be buried up to his eyeballs in peat. He digs and re-digs all over. It's true he's dirty, but hey it's a frog's life right? :)

I keep lots of animals on paper towels or newspaper for simplicity and quarantine, but I find his setup simple and easy. I replace the entire substrate monthly.

03-31-03, 09:05 PM
pacmans seem very interesting, i dont want to steer off a topic so i will be posting some curious ?'s cause i always see them for sale