View Full Version : the return of...MITCH!

03-08-03, 03:47 PM
ive just realised that my camera IS fairly decent:) for i long time ive been thinking its pretty crap......but recently its been taking pretty good photos! yay! i had to photoshop he background a bit, i had my bed sheets showing up:) its strange cuz the bits i edited (the left) look natural, but the bits i didnt, look edited!
mitch is getting to be a big boy now:) so we celebrated and got him some nice chunks of wood for his new house!
i hope this works! fingers crossed


03-08-03, 03:55 PM
I made this for another thread....

<img src="http://members.rogers.com/mattl/help.jpg">

03-08-03, 03:56 PM
O.k. anyways thats what I made for the other thread...it should work with your photos you have online.

When looking at your photo in your gallery...(the linked page you have) you click on the photo....right click and "properties" the image source/location which goes between the qoutes in the above string is located there next to "address (url)"

You can also right click on your photo below where i posted it, and click properties, and look for the "Address"/ url.

:) photo:
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/509/1046mitch1-med.jpg">


03-08-03, 04:03 PM
I MADE IT WORK!:) :) thank you marisa!!

03-08-03, 04:14 PM
Not a problem :)


03-10-03, 04:34 PM
awesome corn snake. Nice quality of the photo too

03-10-03, 04:38 PM
man i love corns. my first snake was a corn.

03-10-03, 04:49 PM
Cute lil' guy :)


03-10-03, 05:15 PM
Great looking guy. What kind of camera did you use?

03-11-03, 09:25 AM
:) i got replies!:) thanx
lisa: this is ooh so impressive.....not... its a fujifilm a101, 1.2mp. and its the most irritating camera in the world!! its a FAIRLY decent camera, with a FAIRLY decent macro:) but as im FAIRLY poor right now, mean i cant get one with all the funky zooms and modes. i always wanted to do photography. but ive never had the equiptment! there are some really great bargains around at the moment though! but i dont have the money!!
i have a thing about irritating technology.....like those phones with the annoying scroll buttons?! ive just "abandoned" a £100 phone cuz the buttons are annoying! sorry im rambling.....i ate too much chocolate syrup!! weeeeh!! im hyper!

03-11-03, 12:03 PM
is Mitch a normal????
sorry i am very unexperianced at these things.....

HES a beautiful snake!

03-12-03, 04:03 PM
great pic! ^^ I use photoshop a lot too...

03-12-03, 05:38 PM
yup, lizzy hes a normal!
photoshop is a godsend!!

04-29-03, 05:47 PM
very cool picture