05-26-22, 09:06 AM
originally from Germany but currently live in US - relatively newish keeper with a small collection, and simply put i’m into big snakes and am looking forward to networking with and learning from everyone here
my collection:
-“Kali,” BCC, wild/normal type, captive female
-“Irwin,” S. amesthistina, wild/normal type, captive male (Southern - Merauke)
-“Lilith,” P. regius, wild/normal type, captive female
-“Mandume,” P. anchietae, wild/normal type, captive male
my collection:
-“Kali,” BCC, wild/normal type, captive female
-“Irwin,” S. amesthistina, wild/normal type, captive male (Southern - Merauke)
-“Lilith,” P. regius, wild/normal type, captive female
-“Mandume,” P. anchietae, wild/normal type, captive male