View Full Version : Hi all somewhat new here.

04-29-22, 02:26 AM
:) Hi everyone, my name is Tracey not new here but since its been sooooo many yrs outa the loop i had to re registar so im once again new per say.. :p I was known as Blackwidow69 back then and also on other sites as also Barracuda. Alot has happend thru out all those yrs that have past the kids grew up and now have kids of there own yes we are grandparents OH JOY JOY LOL!! but is great teaching the grandbabies everything about pets and wild life, we moved for the last time, both me and my husband battled cancer, our passions went diffrent directions, got into racing cars and then hubby had to quit due to MS. Now both of us ol farts are enjoying peace and quiet out in the middle of the woods surrounded by wildlife which we love and doing things we enjoy and have gottin back into reps which we have always loved. Have few snakes and giant leopard gecko for now but will be adding to the pack as we go. Hope to hang out with you all and enjoy our yrs left with what we love and enjoy the most the reps.. ;) Nice to meet ya all...

04-30-22, 04:13 PM
Welcome! We're glad you're here.