View Full Version : Wild Snake Identification

04-03-22, 04:47 PM
So sorry if this isn’t under the right thread, I’m new to this website and forums in general
My cat brought me a still living snake today and I want to know what it is, I’m guessing it’s a type of rat snake but I’m not sure what it is. It has that kneeled scale shape and is about 8 inches. And it hasn’t tried to bite me once yet. I live in South-East America if that helps!

04-23-22, 07:17 AM
That looks like a dekay's brown snake to me! Harmless and very small little neat snakes~ From what I've heard they hardly ever bite; just wiggle around and then sit there until you put them down again, lol!

Never personally met one irl myself yet, but I look forward to the day I do!