View Full Version : Solomon island ground boas not eating

02-13-22, 07:24 AM
Hi o bought 2 Solomon ground boas
Online from a reptile store there like 7 inches
There really small and we'll i looked up what to
Feed them and in some places it says
Anoles ,frogs,Pinky's .. so I went to the local
Petshop they said to get a anole and cut it
I'm half and try feeding a half to each one
Wich I was like hmmm don't think that sounds oright so I tried looking for Pinky's and the Pinky's are bigger then the snakes head

The thing is what can I feed my boas

Do I hav to assist feed/force feed?

Can I feed my boas fish?

What can I do


02-14-22, 02:44 PM
Your boas are famous for only eating lizards or rodents that have been scented with lizards (that means rubbing a lizard on the head of the mouse so the mouse smells like lizard).

Anoles are a good choice if you can find a small enough one. I would not cut one in half. Mediterranean geckos and mourning geckos are also good choices.

I would find a small gecko to feed the snake. When it gets big enough for the smallest mice then I would rub a lizard on the mice and see if you can get the snake to eat mice. Eventually the snake may not require lizard scent.

It might be a good idea to get several mourning geckos to keep as feeders in the short term. They are parthenogenic, which means they are all female and reproduce without needing a mate.