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Dave Z
11-10-21, 04:19 PM
Hi folks,

My name is Dave. I'm an old guy (65) who has always loved reptiles of all kinds. When I was a kid I had a a wide variety of snakes, including a couple of red-tail boas and miscellaneous water snakes, kingsnakes, garter snakes, and whatever else I could catch or find at the pet shop. Also had various lizards including a big old green iguana. He got donated to the zoo when he started getting aggressive. Also had turtles. Well, terrapins. In those days the local pet shops could still sell things they can't sell these days, like baby caimans and such. I bought a baby American snapping turtle and kept him until he became too aggressive.

At one point as a foolish young military guy, I started wandering around the desert catching rattlesnakes. Got into trouble when my First Sargent discovered the sidewinder I was keeping in my locker.

Then life changed and I have not had any reptiles for years. I just enjoyed whatever snakes and lizards were crawling around the back yard.

But I recently adopted a wild-caught California Kingsnake. (I swear, mom, she followed me home!) She turned out to be gravid, so now I have 5 little hatchlings. I'm trying to figure out this brumation thing, so posted a question in the breeding section of this forum.

Anyway, I'm glad to have found this forum and looking forward to learning from y'all!

11-11-21, 06:41 PM
Welcome to the forum! Good luck keeping the little babies alive. (By the way, brumation is only done if one wants her to mate again)