View Full Version : Hello !

10-07-21, 09:42 AM
Hello everybody !

My name is Marc, I’m from the north of France, near Belgium.

I do reef aquariums since 20 years, and I felt in love with the Corallus familly since a few months.

I keep 3 Corallus Hortulanus ( one female cb2020 and 2 brothers borned 2 months ago ) , and when I’ll be ready, I would like to keep a pair of Corallus Caninus.

Thank You for your great forum, and forgive me by advance for my faults with your language :)

10-11-21, 10:05 PM
Welcome to the forum! I under stood what you were trying to say pretty well.

10-12-21, 12:51 AM
Hello everybody !

My name is Marc, I’m from the north of France, near Belgium.

I do reef aquariums since 20 years, and I felt in love with the Corallus familly since a few months.

I keep 3 Corallus Hortulanus ( one female cb2020 and 2 brothers borned 2 months ago ) , and when I’ll be ready, I would like to keep a pair of Corallus Caninus.

Thank You for your great forum, and forgive me by advance for my faults with your language :)

Hi Marc!
I am in the north of Spain, close to the French border! Glad to see another person in my part of the world here! Me and my brother used to keep reef a reef aquarium my favorite coral is zoanthids.