08-19-21, 01:42 PM
Hi all! I recently purchased this girl, she laid 42 days ago according to previous owner/breeder- and was paired later in the season apparently. She double clutched in both 2019 and 2020. So if my timeline is correct and she does in fact double clutch- that puts us around 3-4 weeks from now until laying, correct? I have been feeding her once a week to keep up her condition and have offered her a sphagnum lay box just to be safe. Well, today for the first time she refused food- shes normally a pig! She doesn't look like she's in a pre lay shed (not blue yet) but is very bumpy/large? Pictures of when I got her about 2 weeks ago attached. Thanks in advance. Sorry I’m sort of new to breeding corns and needed some advice… I think if they double clutched in the past they will do so in the future. Will the shipping effect her health/laying process? :Wow: