View Full Version : Both leopard geckos not eating

06-04-21, 12:02 AM
I have two leopard geckos, Murphy and Lila. Lila is a female adult leopard gecko i got from the reptile store i go to and murphy is a possible female i got from the same store as well. I keep them in separate tanks for safety reasons. They’re both really good eaters and get a variety of food. But for the last few weeks they both haven’t been wanting to eat at all, they did shed out at the same time. After that they still wouldn’t take any food, i tried different food to interest them and still no interest. Their tank temps and humidity are the same always it never changes. I am scared there might be something wrong with them but so confused why it’s both of them when they’re across the room from each other. I did have a ball python in the same room that had a respiratory infection and was warned my other reptiles could catch it but my other pythons are fine. Murph and Lila are the only two causing issues which is frustrating cause they’re so darn cute so i can’t stay mad urgghhhh!!!! I did research that from January to June/July it’s breeding season and they might go through periods of heat and go off food for awhile but i don’t know.

Any ideas what’s going on??! I love all my reptile babies I don’t like it when there’s something up

06-12-21, 02:01 PM
One or two years ago, my male leopard gecko refused food during the spring. He started eating again after a while, so it must have been because of breeding season. That could be the same case for your geckos, but if you see anything wrong with them (weight loss, wheezing, and/or discharge from nose or mouth in your case) take them to the vet.