View Full Version : First time getting BP eggs, couple of question!

05-25-21, 01:11 PM
This is my first time breeding ball pythons, and I've managed to get some eggs! But I am unsure if they are viable. This is also Bee's first time producing eggs. This is my first time incubating eggs, but not breeding snakes (I'm more used to kenyan sand boas ahah.)

https://scontent.fymq2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/s2048x2048/186052641_134908078702307_8120616396091448406_n.jp g?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=XHK2jjKPBdgAX804gJ_&_nc_ht=scontent.fymq2-1.fna&tp=7&oh=1ab5640bc79c047380c8be3c12d97d5b&oe=60D44746

So, here are my question!

1. Do you guys think the eggs are fertile? I think they look quite wonky, it looks like she missed a bit of calcium when building her folicles.

2. How long before you can candle the eggs to check if they are viable? They've been laid yesterday, but I'm assuming you have to wait a bit before you're even able to see something in them?

3. The temp and humidity inside of the container is 88.5F and 99% humidity. Is this fine? (Prob isn't in the vermiculite, it's raised in the air a bit) The container inside the incubator has aeration holes to try to prevent mold from forming. Using vermiculite in the egg container.

4. Would you guys recommend I dust a little bit of calcium/vitamin powder on the mother's food? Like mentioned above, it looks like she may have missed a bit of calcium when building her folicles.

5. Bonus question: what size rat/mice do you guys usually feed newborn BPs? I've never had a very young BP before, all of them being around a year old when I first got them. I'm a very visual person, so I don't really know which size I should stock up on in case the eggs ever hatch.

Thank you for your time! :D

05-25-21, 10:32 PM
This is my first time breeding ball pythons, and I've managed to get some eggs! But I am unsure if they are viable. This is also Bee's first time producing eggs. This is my first time incubating eggs, but not breeding snakes (I'm more used to kenyan sand boas ahah.)

So, here are my question!

1. Do you guys think the eggs are fertile? I think they look quite wonky, it looks like she missed a bit of calcium when building her folicles.

2. How long before you can candle the eggs to check if they are viable? They've been laid yesterday, but I'm assuming you have to wait a bit before you're even able to see something in them?

3. The temp and humidity inside of the container is 88.5F and 99% humidity. Is this fine? (Prob isn't in the vermiculite, it's raised in the air a bit) The container inside the incubator has aeration holes to try to prevent mold from forming. Using vermiculite in the egg container.

4. Would you guys recommend I dust a little bit of calcium/vitamin powder on the mother's food? Like mentioned above, it looks like she may have missed a bit of calcium when building her folicles.

5. Bonus question: what size rat/mice do you guys usually feed newborn BPs? I've never had a very young BP before, all of them being around a year old when I first got them. I'm a very visual person, so I don't really know which size I should stock up on in case the eggs ever hatch.

Thank you for your time! :D

Welcome to the wonderful world of breeding ball pythons.

1. Yes they look viable. Just wonky.
2. Candle them now
3.You want 100% humidity. I would close up those air holes.
4. No. Just feed appropriate meals.
5. I offer rat pups to my babies.

05-26-21, 07:58 PM
Welcome to the wonderful world of breeding ball pythons.

1. Yes they look viable. Just wonky.
2. Candle them now
3.You want 100% humidity. I would close up those air holes.
4. No. Just feed appropriate meals.
5. I offer rat pups to my babies.

Hello! Thank you very much for the reply and help..!
My mom candled the eggs (Bee decided to lay her eggs the one week I'm not home lol...) and she said she could see veins..!
Won't closing the air holes cause mold to potentially grow though?

Here is an image of the container (before eggs were added)
https://scontent.fymq2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/s2048x2048/188539472_265679811919117_2567896465053010136_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=ooQBwo5JwgoAX9EPBAm&_nc_ht=scontent.fymq2-1.fna&tp=7&oh=f82950475469cc8f99d660cd10a229eb&oe=60D679F8

Thank you again for your time! :)

05-28-21, 11:05 AM
Hello! Thank you very much for the reply and help..!
My mom candled the eggs (Bee decided to lay her eggs the one week I'm not home lol...) and she said she could see veins..!
Won't closing the air holes cause mold to potentially grow though?

Here is an image of the container (before eggs were added)
https://scontent.fymq2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/s2048x2048/188539472_265679811919117_2567896465053010136_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=ooQBwo5JwgoAX9EPBAm&_nc_ht=scontent.fymq2-1.fna&tp=7&oh=f82950475469cc8f99d660cd10a229eb&oe=60D679F8

Thank you again for your time! :)

no. You likely need a deeper tub to incubte the eggs. Not sure it'll maintain 100% humidity.

05-28-21, 06:45 PM
no. You likely need a deeper tub to incubte the eggs. Not sure it'll maintain 100% humidity.

Aaaah okay! Will gently move them into a deeper container when I can. Thank you again for your help! :)