View Full Version : breeder colubrids

05-03-21, 05:31 PM
Hello everybody! I've been looking for breeder corn snakes and other colubrids, but I cant seem to find many adults or subadults. I know its breeding season for a lot of breeders right now and i'm sure most people are utilizing all of their adults right now.

I've looked on morph market and various sites and the only ones I can find are either babies or would make my bank account cry. would the market for adults open back up after breeding season or do I need to raise them up from babies? Or is there another way to find at least a pair?

Not fully set up for them yet, just trying to get as much info as possible before I set up for adult snakes.

05-03-21, 06:37 PM
You gotta keep looking for them. The reptile market is in a real high right now so breeders are holding onto animals.