View Full Version : How You Ship Your Pet ?

The Cat
03-07-03, 07:01 PM
Hi everyone. :)

How you ship your pet in the canada ? I know AirCanada cargo do it but the price is horribly high ! Any other cheap way ?

Please try to help.

Thank you :)


03-07-03, 08:32 PM
You can try West Jet, other then that, there is no other "legal"
way to ship within canada.

03-07-03, 08:46 PM
Jeff is correct. Also, if you can get one of the ground couriers to do it, the animals welfare is being jeopardized, many won't make it :eek:

WestJet has a flat rate of $65 anywhere in Canada, and being a smaller airline, they go to the smaller airports unlike AC. I ship via WestJet in the mild weather, however in the extreme temepratures (such as the ones we have been experiencing this winter) I wouldn't go anything other than AC. WestJet does not insure their packages due to the fact that they do not have a heated cargo hold on their flights. I don't know about you, but heat packs and insulation jsut aren't enough security flying in -20 weather for me :eek:

03-08-03, 12:49 PM
IMHO if you can't deliver it in personally or have a person deliver it for you, sending it with a carrier that has specialised care for live cargo is the only way to go.

With the couriers packages are thrown, crushed, bounced, dropped, disapear and in general mistreated. And then there's the automated sorting machinery that these companies use, which are NOT gentle with the handling of packages.

There is a reason AirCanada costs more, you pay for the fact that it's handled carefully, delivered in a timely manner and insured against loss.

If you're animal isn't worth the extra shipping charges then you should be rethinking getting it.

03-08-03, 01:14 PM
Common Lisa that was a little harshe on the poor guy, lol. I don't think he necessarily meant he was going to ship it via courier, maybe he was seeking an airline similar to AC with cheaper prices. I do not think there is anything wrong with trying to save a buck or two is there?

03-09-03, 01:00 AM
I have to agree with Lisa, sometimes, you get what you pay for. I think it's worth the extra few bucks.

03-09-03, 01:16 AM
what kind of prices does Air Canada run? does it matter on the size/weight of the snakes?

03-09-03, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by tHeGiNo
Common Lisa that was a little harshe on the poor guy, lol. I don't think he necessarily meant he was going to ship it via courier, maybe he was seeking an airline similar to AC with cheaper prices. I do not think there is anything wrong with trying to save a buck or two is there?

The last comment wasn't directed at the guy, more of a general statement. I probably should have said as much but was @ work posting between calls.

03-09-03, 11:35 AM
Ya thats cool, and the statement was true in a general view, if you cant afford to take care of an animal, don't get one.

Steeve B
03-09-03, 11:42 AM
This tips applies to winter shipping,
Box lined with Styrofoam and properly labelled, you need to ask and pay for labelling,

Animals most be in plastic containers, reptiles are capable of generating some heat, in such a container they preserve
there own heat.

Good heat pads are mandatory, always use 24 HRS even when you ship local, you never know what may happen.
On a last note, and this I say only to inform you, not to slander any company, but there’s no such thing as a heated room, no mater what they say, reptiles are placed in a corner away from draft’s in the warehouse. It’s been like this for all my 20years of importing from Air Canada. So check the whether. This was posted only for you information.
Kind regards

http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/512/959mr09-007-med.jpg http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/512/959mr09-006-med.jpg