View Full Version : Nile monitor behavior

01-14-21, 11:47 AM
Hey everybody I'm new here I have a nile monitor that's been showing like a hibernation behavior staying in his hide for days coming out only like 1 time a week to eat is this normal behavior with these guys in the winter?

01-21-21, 01:25 PM
Hey everybody I'm new here I have a nile monitor that's been showing like a hibernation behavior staying in his hide for days coming out only like 1 time a week to eat is this normal behavior with these guys in the winter?

Hi, how long have you had the monitor and can you show the whole enclosure and give details of the conditions? Without having that information it`s impossible to say what the reason/s might be.

01-21-21, 07:14 PM
I've had him for 7 months he's in a 120 gallon tank I have 3 sides blocked from view for his comfort he has a basking spot of 120 a cool side 3 hides a basking branch and deep soil he's been in his hide most of the time comes out to bask then goes back in and his appetite has slowed slot

01-26-21, 05:41 PM
I've had him for 7 months he's in a 120 gallon tank I have 3 sides blocked from view for his comfort he has a basking spot of 120 a cool side 3 hides a basking branch and deep soil he's been in his hide most of the time comes out to bask then goes back in and his appetite has slowed slot

Can you show a couple of photos of the whole enclosure including a top view?