View Full Version : New to forum's!

01-01-21, 01:39 PM
Hello everyone! I"m new to this forum and forums in general! But here's a little about me! I'm a new-ish mom to a Kenyan Sand boa named Mr noodle after the character Mr noodle in Elmo's world. I'm not sure on his age but from what I was told hes now I think about 11 months old now. He's a picky eater and kinda a pain in a butt when it comes to it but I love him none the less. I'm a newbie to snakes but I love to learn and see new ways on keeping my snake. Also happy new year everyone! :)

01-02-21, 10:17 PM
Welcome! We're glad you're here.

EL Ziggy
01-08-21, 12:04 AM
Welcome aboard Red. I don't kees KSBs so I can't say much about their care. They're cute little snakes though. :)

06-03-21, 03:59 PM
Hi, just joined to read up on how to best take care of my new Kenyan Sand Boa:
