View Full Version : California King Snake not eating

11-27-20, 07:57 PM

As the title states my king snake is not eating. I've had her for about 6 months now and she has always eaten fine. She recently shedded about 2 weeks ago and has eaten once since then. I tried to feed her again yesterday on Thanksgiving because she was acting like she was hungry ( darting her head to follow my movements and hands) like she always has. However when I actually put defrosted mouse in her cage she isn't interested. I always hold it with tongs by the tail and dangle it in front of her and she usually slowly takes her striking position and then grabs it. This time she looks like she takes interest then as she gets close to the mouse she backs off and if I try to reintroduce it she slithers away. Right now I set the mouse on her log to see if she will eat it on her own but I don't have high hopes. Please can someone give me some pointers on how to get her to eat.

12-03-20, 03:25 PM
How old is the snake?

Colubrids have a tendency to stop eating during the winter. It generally isn't an issue as long as the snake doesn't lose any weight. The snake will resume eating next spring.

If you have an adult then I'd just keep supplying the snake with clean water; if you have a juvenile then we could look at your husbandry and see if something changed due to winter weather. (Often humidity can take a dive during winter.)

12-04-20, 01:44 PM
Chairman -- not to cross threads (mine is http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/food-thought-forum/118459-jungle-carpet-python-feeding-pause.html), but is this what my Jungle Carpet is likely doing? She still hasn't eaten but then again she's only lost 50g over the last month and a half. (Total body weight: 2028g; age: 2.5 years.)

EL Ziggy
12-06-20, 01:49 PM
Lots of snakes are going off food this time of year. My colubrids and carpets do it every year. If your temps are dialed in, the animal isn’t losing much weight, or showing other signs of illness then I wouldn’t worry. I only offer food every 4-6 weeks during the winter even for my snakes that will eat. Just make sure they have access to fresh water and offer food once a month. They’ll eat when they’re ready. Mine always pick up again in the spring.

12-07-20, 04:11 PM
Ziggy -- thank you so much for that! That's what I thought was going on but it's very reassuring to hear it from someone far more experienced than I. Medusa is my life (well, her along with my female German Shepherd, Cerberus) and though I've had a Jungle Carpet before, that's only twice I've had them and obviously that ain't much. ;) (True, I've also had 2 Royal Pythons but we're talking two very different native environments for them vs. the Carpets.)