07-28-20, 08:24 AM
ok, so I have a baby okeetee corn snake, 10-12 inches long, not as wide as my pinky. He is in a tank with a ton of hide, 3 huts, a large water bowl, 3 papertowl rolls, 3 inches of bedding. Its heated with a heat mat, temperature at night gets to 80, day time 90 degrees. Humidity ranges 35 t0 75. I keep tank covered, I have owned him for one month, he is still not eating..ive given live, and frozen pinkies, at night before bed, he always comes out at night, i have a motion detected camera for night time, he is extremely active all night long. Climbs everywhere , but slithers right by the food, an shows no intrest..I am getting very nervous I do not want him to die, the research ive seen says 5-7 days for babies or they could die..