View Full Version : Not eaten for over a month

04-14-20, 05:19 AM
Have a corn snake, nearly full grown now, however since he last shed, over four weeks ago, he hasn't fed at all. Am freaking out. Normally feed him a small mouse, twice a week, but these last couple of months, he just isn't eating. Had a poo yesterday, take that as a good sign. Please help.

04-16-20, 10:11 AM
Male corn snakes sometimes go off feed in the spring months during feeding season. I wouldn't sweat it unless he starts dropping weight rapidly

04-16-20, 10:54 AM
Why are you feeding a nearly full grown corn snake twice a week?
You should probably be feeding one adult mouse per week.
How much does the snake weigh?

EL Ziggy
04-16-20, 11:20 AM
I think you're feeding him too often. I'd feed an adult corn snake a jumbo mouse or small rat every 7-14 days. Twice a week is a bit much imo. Double check your temps, try spacing out your feedings a bit, and hopefully he'll get back on track soon. I have a few snakes that take long food breaks during the winter months. They're just starting to take meals again. It's also breeding season for a lot of snakes so your corn could have other things on his mind. Monitor his weight and make sure he has fresh water. Lots of adult snakes will fast for various reasons but they all eat again eventually. Best wishes and keep us posted on your progress.

04-16-20, 12:42 PM
I agree, probably overfeeding. I haven't yet kept a species I'd consider feeding twice a week. Even my garter eating pinky halves never ate more than once a week. I hear most keepers advise feeding a mouse every other week to an adult.

Other than that, yes, breeding season can also be a concern. Make sure temps are up, and having a light on a timer helped me keep my garters eating in the winter.

04-16-20, 12:43 PM
Oh goodness, missed the twice a week feeding part, yikes

04-17-20, 09:00 AM
First off, THANK YOU ALL, for getting in touch with me has been a great deal of help. Will try him on a large mouse next time, and slow the rotation down as suggested. Once again thank you, I am not as knowledgeable as I I should be, but am doing as much research as possible.