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View Full Version : Food for red tail boa

04-11-20, 08:25 PM
I recently bought a large(around 30) bag of mice for my red tail and fed her a few of them, but she just had a growth spurt and needs bigger food now. Is it okay to feed her two of the smaller ones I have now so I don't waste them?

04-12-20, 09:22 AM
Yes if she will take them.

04-13-20, 12:24 PM
I wouldn't personally, it isn't healthy. She'll be fine either eating the smaller prey for a bit longer, or I'd just go ahead and get the next size up. You could see if anyone local needs those mice, with the covid crisis, there may be some people in need of them.

EL Ziggy
04-13-20, 10:37 PM
I feed all of my snakes 2 prey items on occasion. I wouldn't do it for every meal though.

04-14-20, 11:09 AM
I wouldn't personally, it isn't healthy. She'll be fine either eating the smaller prey for a bit longer, or I'd just go ahead and get the next size up. You could see if anyone local needs those mice, with the covid crisis, there may be some people in need of them.


Please elaborate on this? What is not healthy about it? I am not saying this is how someone should feed all the time but the original post asked if it would be OK until he is out of what he has. I am willing to learn, please explain what is not healthy about it?

04-16-20, 12:45 PM

Please elaborate on this? What is not healthy about it? I am not saying this is how someone should feed all the time but the original post asked if it would be OK until he is out of what he has. I am willing to learn, please explain what is not healthy about it?

2 mice have more fat, calories, protein, etc. than a single rat (or mouse) of the same weight. It's harder to digest, and I've seen keepers experience bloating when feeding multiples. Though to be fair, in those cases it may be because they didn't offer them close enough together? Overall, I avoid it. Multiple prey items have resulted in way faster growth and weight gain than a single large prey item ime, and it's already so easy to overfeed. It'd be one thing if it was a couple of meals, but OP is probably going to be feeding multiples for months before they run out.