View Full Version : Stuck shed on head of ball python and mouth scab

03-21-20, 09:29 AM
Hello, this is my first pet python. Everything was going fine with taking care of her up until she started accumulating stuck shed on top of her head. I have tried giving her baths to get it off and keeping her tank between 60-80 humidity. It’s staring to worry me because the stuck shed is tight on her head and pulls back the scales around her eyes a bit. The stuck scales are very peculiar because only select scales are being effected so it looks like freckles. Besides the stuck shed she has a scab like thing on her mouth. I’ve been monitoring that spot and it hasn’t gotten any worse or hasn’t faded yet. Is it just a scab or should I get it checked out? Besides the stuck shed and scab she has been doing very well. She eats fine and is very curious about her new environment.

03-21-20, 11:38 AM
Without knowing more about your setup we can't really help improve the shedding situation.

And without pics we can't help at all with the mouth issue.

03-21-20, 12:06 PM

03-21-20, 12:54 PM
You should seek out vet care at this point. I don't know what this scab is so it's difficult to figure out. Snakes shouldn't randomly get scabs.

03-21-20, 01:04 PM
Was the scab there when you first got her? We need some pictures or we cannot help, or follow the above advice and go to the vet.