View Full Version : Question for people in Ottawa

03-06-03, 04:29 AM
Hey folks,

Well I am nicely setup at home now with my babies and I am sure more to come..however there is one loose string I should deal with.. I need a recommendation on a good Herp Vet in the Ottawa area. I wanted to get this sorted out BEFORE I need these services. I would like to hear your views before I commit to any one in particular


Jim Wilkinson

03-06-03, 07:59 AM
Hey Jim!

Maybe I'm a little impartial as I used to work for him, but there is
an awesome reptile vet in Ottawa.

Daren Auger
Alta Vista Animal Hospital
2616 Bank Street

What can I say..... he's a member of ARAV (assoc. of reptile and amphibian veterinarians) and is also the vet for the reptile zoo I work at. IMHO you will not find anyone better in the Ottawa area.

I've heard reports that Lynwood Animal Hospital (Dr. Roscoe?) also sees exotics, but I have not tried them for myself.

Good luck in your search!


03-06-03, 09:06 PM
Hey Trace,

Thanks, I believe Daren was the one who did the check-up on my Bird. That's great, I thought he was only avian. I will be getting all my babies in for check-ups in the spring. :D I also have my dog registered over there.:thumbsup: