View Full Version : 9mth old Albino Burmese Python

02-24-20, 03:22 PM
I need your help. My Burmese python of 9mths WILL NOT FEED! She has fed perfectly well with the previous owner and has been taking large weaner rats. I have tried feeding her out of her viv so she does not associate the opening of her enclosure with food. She “tongues” the air and nudges the rat but will not take it. I have also left the rat in the viv overnight on the off chance that she takes it when she is ready but to no avail. She is now nearly 4 weeks without a meal and I am genuinely concerned. She has recently been treated for mites, could this be the issue? Are there any other techniques I can try to get her to feed? All advice would be thoroughly appreciated! Thanks 👍🏼🐍

EL Ziggy
02-24-20, 04:38 PM
Welcome to the forum Greenie. A few questions for you. Do you have a picture of the snake and your setup? How long have you had the snake and has it eaten for you at all? If you're feeding f/t how are you thawing and offering the prey. What are your temps like and are they being controlled by a thermostat? If your husbandry is dialed in accurately and if it's only been 4 weeks I wouldn't be too concerned. I've had snakes go months without food that were just fine. I would also feed the snake inside it's enclosure. I would avoid handling the snake except for cage maintenance and just keep offering food every 7-14 days until he starts eating consistently. They all eat eventually.

02-24-20, 06:06 PM
You DEFINITELY don't want to be transferring a burm to a seperate feeding tub. Imagine trying to do that with an adult Burm!!!!!

Is this your first snake?

02-24-20, 06:16 PM
You DEFINITELY don't want to be transferring a burm to a seperate feeding tub. Imagine trying to do that with an adult Burm!!!!!

Is this your first snake?

Yeah, Burmese pythons are gonna get HUGE, and if your snake is accustomed to eating in a separate tub, you are going to have to pick it up every time. i would just feed it in its own tank. You shouldn't be too concerned, snakes go off feed all the time and most of them are completely fine. You can try braining the rat, slitting it, scenting it, serving it at different temperatures, but i am sure he will eat eventually. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask.

02-25-20, 04:12 AM
El Ziggy,
Here are a few answers to you questions:-
Had her for 3 weeks and never fed from me
Rat is left out overnight in a container to thaw and then introduced in the morning
Viv temp 90f in hot side, 75 - 80f in cool end
Fed out of enclosure, was informed that this is best way?
Thanks for helping ,e out ������

02-25-20, 04:16 AM
This is my first Burmese, have had snakes before in the past. Do you have Burms/knowledge of them. I just want to do things right, hence why I’m on her asking for advice?

02-25-20, 04:17 AM
Hi Dangernoodles,
Thanks so much for getting in touch. I haven’t had a Burmese before and just want to make sure I do the snake justice, hence why I’m on here for help and advice. Do you have Burms? What is your overall experience with them?

02-25-20, 07:30 PM
I have worked with burms in the past, but don´t have one myself. Its always recommended to feed your snake in the same enclosure and this should be okay while your burm is young, but it could be extremely difficult to do when she is older, so I advise you get your snake accustomed to feeding in its own cage. While there isn´t much of a difference feeding in a separate tub, it can just be better for the snake (less stressful) to feed in its own enclosure. Burmese pythons do not need to be handled unless enclosure cleaning is needed to be done. This applies for most snakes.

02-27-20, 02:15 PM
I have burms (not adults yet). I heat the rats up in hot water to mimic a live rats body heat. Good luck!

Mark Cannaday
03-13-20, 09:52 PM
Hi guys,
I thaw rats out completely, then set the rat on top of my heat light enclosure(in a bag) to bring it up to full normal rat body temp, but keeping the rat dry at all times.

When I had my Retic, it would never eat a wet rat, not sure if Burmese are as picky??

My current large Boa will often take overnight or more, to finally eat the presented rat. Don't get overtly concerned about leaving the food in the cage overnight or longer. However, don't repeatedly taking it out, then putting it back in, that really messes with the little serpent brain, and pretty much guaranties they won't eat it. At least that has been my experience.

Best of luck!
