View Full Version : Bullsnake not eating

02-03-20, 12:25 PM
:no:Hi all,
So I got my bullsnake, olive, about 6 months ago. She was always really good with eating up until recently. She has been refusing for 2.5 months now. I've got her to eat once within that time period but never once besides that. I feel like ive tried everything; I've soaked her to get her hydrated (that has worked in the past for her), I've changed to live (which worked for the one time she ate). I kept at that for about 3 weeks but went back to frozen because she kept refusing live and I dont wanna waste a little mouse life if she isnt gonna eat it, and the list goes on. I feel out of options at this point, I dont know what to do. Do you think I should be worrying? Maybe it's because it's winter? I feel so bad, I just want her to be healthy and happy. She hasnt lost too much weight since refusing so I'm not too worried about that for now.
EDIT: Yall, as soon as I posted this thread, I went to go check on her. And I expected to see the mouse still laying there. SHE WAS EATING IT! I'm so happy!

02-03-20, 02:33 PM
I'm glad she's eating. What are her temperatures?

Many snakes go off food or dramatically reduce food intake this time of year despite steady indoor temperatures and light. They sense that it's winter.

I keep two garters and they have gone off food here and there for very brief periods of time during the winter. One in particular will take one silverside at feeding instead of the usual three or so fish.

Good luck.

02-03-20, 07:16 PM
Hi, I try to keep her at 85 during the day (during the winter I'm keeping both my ceramic and bulb on) and at night it drops to around 70 with just the ceramic heat lamp. I'm pretty positive it's just because it was winter because during the summer she was not having any problems at all. Its starting to warm up a little where I live so hopefully she will start eating regularly again.

EL Ziggy
02-06-20, 02:15 PM
I'm glad your girl ate. It's perfectly normal for them to eat less frequently this time of year. I have a male bullsnake that will only eat chicks during the winter. He wants nothing to do with rats for those few months. My female eats anything/anytime.