View Full Version : Anaconda Pics...
03-05-03, 10:04 PM
Hi All
There is a few pics of some of our Anacondas.
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Tell us what you think...
03-05-03, 10:10 PM
I just keep thinking about that movie with J Lo in it.LOL
Very nice anacondas!! Good luck with those yellows!
very nice, love the yellows!!!!
Wiow such a lovely face they have....they must enjoy the natural lighting coming in the cages too (looks like sun in the first pic)....looks nice!
Very nice looking snakes! How are they're temperment?
03-06-03, 10:46 AM
Their temperments vary but the big female Yellow is very handleable whereas her male mate is just brutal. Loves to strike any chance he gets.
The Greens are about the same both are quite handleable tho they will occasionally let you have it.
As with all large constrictors they have their good and bad days, just got to learn to read there minds ..... LOL
03-06-03, 11:46 AM
Very nice.
03-06-03, 12:10 PM
very nice lester if your breeding them i would like to see the offspring!
03-06-03, 01:05 PM
Hey Jay
We have the Yellows together we are keeping our fingers crossed. Will keep you posted
BellyDragger Reptiles
Very nice! How large are they?
03-06-03, 02:14 PM
how are yellow anacondas as pets?
very nice scotty glad to finally see your anacondas nice pics..
03-06-03, 06:11 PM
Those are some awesome looking Anaconda's. Is your green a female or male? How old is the Green and how large is it? Hope your as lucky as I am as far as temperment in a little bit.. My female Green is very tame and shes not even a year old. Is the Green CB? Also how often does your Green like to soak in the water and is there time where you have to take the bowl out at certain periods to keep her from being in the water to long? Keep us posted very very nice Anacondas again.
03-06-03, 07:41 PM
The top Green full body shot is our female and the head shot is our male. Haven't really done an accurate measurment on them but they are in the range of 6 feet.
As for if they are CB or WC, we were told they were CB but I find this hard to believe as we had a very hard time getting them eating when we first got them. It took several weeks before either of them the male or female would take any food.
They seem to soak at times but they seem to like to spend alot of time buried in the mulch with just their heads exposed. I am assuming that this is natural for them in the wild for ambushing prey. We started them on newspaper but they seemed to stay in their waterbowls constantly even tho we supplied hide boxes. I beleive that they were extremely stressed out. It all seemed to change when we changed the substrate to mulch, their feeding seemed to improve and they spent less time in their water.
Great to hear that your Green is tame ours are handleable but as they get larger they have developed a slight attitude at times.
We work with them as much as we can they even make trips to some of the reptile demonstrations we do.
As far as Scott and I are concerned ANACONDAS RULE !!!!
03-06-03, 07:46 PM
Sorry somone asked the size of the Yellow Anacondas, the male is approximatly 6 feet and the female probably close to 9 feet
Thanks all for your interest
Les and Scotty
03-06-03, 07:48 PM
That is awesome That you have both a female and male about the same size hopefully they will want to breed. When do you plan on breeding them? What is the recomended age and size before breeding Green Anaconda's? I agree with you 110% Anacondas rule.
Colin Friesen
03-06-03, 07:59 PM
Hey thanks for the pics!! Very nice.
YIPPEEEEEEE yahhhhoo...killer pics guys
03-07-03, 12:01 AM
Very nice! :)
Snake Lady
03-27-03, 10:29 PM
I must admit they are very impressive animals. Now having said that, i just wanted to add my opinion on a few things.
I dont wanna sound like a bad person or anything, but all ive been hearing from numerous sources is how WE as a community should not encourage breeding of large contrictors (e.i. Burmese pythons, reticulated pythons, anacondas, etc.) for the simple fact of having large amounts of these species ending up in rescues.
Also, please dont take this as a personal attack ( Im not here to attack anybody, Ive never started an argument here! and i would not want this to be my first! LOL) but I noticed in the 2nd picture of the cage containing the yellow anaconda, could really use a "once over". It might just be me but most people here enjoy seeing nice cages with nice animals and that one is a well designed cage for the animal in question but the hygiene within that cage scares me. There is urate on just about every item and it "seems" like fungus is growing on the bottom of the water dish.
Dont get me wrong, the picture could have been taken the morning before you went to work or something of that nature and you intended to clean the cage when you came home but you just wanted to take a quick snapshot, so thats why im trying not to be rude cause it happens to the best of us. Ive seen lotz of cages where the owner took a pic of the snake and there was a clump of fecus in the corner.. but it was a very well taken shot and you could tell the fecus was fresh afterall these are animals and they eat, sleep and crap just like anything else. That cage worries me though cause you can tell that the urate has been there for some time now.
Overall, the animals looks great, which gives me a sign that you take very good care of them. Just this one picture could have lead to a lot of bashing from different parties throughout these forums. So always be aware of what pic your posting and what effect it may have on your self-image because all we have to relate you to are your animals and what we here and see from you.
P.S by all means if you do breed those anacondas, i will be more than willing to purchase one. I would not breed but in the future it is an animal that i want to have in my large constrictor collection. Right alongside with the indian python. LOL (J/K)!!
P.P.S My boyfriend (Chondro Python) dictated this message to me! I needed the posts and I share the same thoughts also.
Have fun! and looking forward to hearing from you! I'm sure you didnt mean to portray such an image.
:) Snake Lady :)
:) Chondro Python :)
03-27-03, 11:08 PM
:) wow great pics there!!!!! Lots of luck with breeding... :)
03-29-03, 12:30 AM
Those are exceptionnaly beautiful animals!! Here is a stupid question but...who breeds anaconda ?? (breeder website)
how much for a green baby?
(just wandering for my future dream: having a green anaconda)
in a far future of course lol!
04-03-03, 01:25 PM
omg! a bit of a newb' at this but waw...i didnt even know u could keep 'kondas as pets.they really are beautiful
04-04-03, 09:43 PM
Looking good, do yours have an attitude?
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