View Full Version : Genetics question
12-22-19, 03:27 AM
Hey guys,
I have another genetics question. A guy wants to sell a hypo het moonglow, the parents are anery het snow and sunglow het moonglow. How does he know that the hypo is a het moonglow and not het snow?
Also, if I would breed her to my ghost het moonglow, what would it result in?
12-22-19, 05:59 AM
Ok so, this requires a few layers of understanding of genetics to explain. First of all you have to know, for everything that makes up how an animal looks, it has 2 genes. One aquired from the mother, and one from the father. There are strong genes and weak genes, if an animal ends up with both a strong gene(Normal look) and a weak gene (Albino look) the animal will look normal, because that one overpowers the other.. So keeping that in mind, some changes to appearence will not show up unless the animal has the complete set of ' weak ' (recessive) genes, with no strong gene to overpower them. And there are 2 more widely known exceptions to this rule. Which is Co-Dominant, and Incomplete dominant(not relevant in this breeding)
Hypo is Co-dominant, meaning, breeding a hypo to a normal will wield about half hypo offspring, as they only need to get the 1 hypo gene from the parent to be hypo. Hypo partially overpowers the the strong normal gene.
So moving on to the other ingredients of a moonglow.
Albino is Recessive(weak), meaning the animal needs both the albino gene from mom and dad to be visual Albino. (if it has just one its a 'het' /Hetrozygous) (Moonglow is Kahl albino btw!)
Anery, is Recessive, see above.
Moonglow is Hypo, Albino, Anery. So it needs 4 recessive genes (2 albino and 2 anery) and atleast 1 co dominant hypo gene to be a moonglow.
Now on to the sellers animal:
A Hypo het moonglow has: 1 Hypo gene, 1 albino gene, 1 anery gene.
The parents of the sellers animals are:
Parent (A) 2 gene anery, 1 gene albino (Anery het snow, as snow is anery albino)
Parent (B) 2 gene albino, 1 gene hypo 1 gene (het) Anery (aka het moonglow as it has albino and hypo already)
Which means: the baby will have gotten atleast 1 anery gene from parent (A) since it only has anery genes to give, and atleast 1 albino gene from parent (B) as it only has albino genes to give. You know it has only gotten one from one of each of the parents as it's not albino nor anery which it would be if it had gotten 2. You can visually see if it's hypo or not, so that gene is easy to determine.
Which is how he knows it's not just het for snow but moonglow as the animal IS hypo
Ghost is Hypo Anery, het moonglow means it carries an albino gene 2 anery genes and 1 hypo gene.
IF they're all khal albino, breeding these animals should yield:
All Anery or atleast 100% het anery babies, since your animal has 2 anery genes to give and theirs has 1 to possibly give.
A large amount of hypos, since both parents have 1 they could give.
A small percentage superhypo (2 gene hypo) when the 2 hypo genes end up together, the only way to prove out superhypo is breeding it, a superhypo will yield 100% hypo offspring.
About 25% albinos, as its a 50/50 chance for each parent to give the gene. So even lower chance of both ending up in the same animal.
Any animal that is not albino from this breeding will be a possible het albino, since you can't prove if it actually got an albino gene from either parent.
And any combination of these, so there is a small chance of moonglows in the first litter if all 3 genes come together in the same animal.:)
I hope I made that understandable.
12-22-19, 08:00 AM
That was pretty good Tsubaki.
12-22-19, 10:42 AM
Wow, you managed to make all that pretty easy to understand. Thanks so much.
The hope was to get moonglows, since the chances are so slim i'll look for something else.
12-22-19, 11:50 AM
Thanks, I tried haha. Your biggest shot at moonglows using your Ghost het albino, is obviously a moonglow. Pairing that would yield Moonglows, Ghost het moonglow, and Anery het snow. (Every hypo would also be a possible super). Most moonglows in each litter that way. If a moonglow is a too high up of an option. You have 3(ish) options left that would be better odds than the Hypo het moonglow.. You could go for either a Snow (Anery Albino) 4 recessive genes, or either a Sunglow (3 recessive 1 co-dom) or Ghost het moonglow (3 recessive 1 co-dom) . Those are the most solid options to have a reasonable chance of moonglows in the pairing since you'd want to start with as many of the 5 needed genes in each parents as possible. However, you only have a chance at supers if both the starting animals have hypo if that matters to you. Also, remember, they are still odds! You might still get a bunch of moonglows in a low chance litter if you're very lucky, and you might get few/none with high odds. It's just 'xx% chance' not a guarantee. Only way to be sure you'll get moonglows, is breeding with no variables.. (Like Snow x super moonglow)
12-22-19, 06:04 PM
My ghost is het moonglow not albino. Wouldn't an albino also give me a chance at moonglows?
12-23-19, 08:35 AM
I think you might want to reread what I posted before, because that will definetly not give you any moonglows. Like I said earlier, a Anery + Albino + Hypo = Moonglow. Ergo, a Ghost het moonglow, is a Hypo Anery Het albino, (Aka Ghost het albino)... It's the same thing with a fancy and more confusing name stuck to it. Breeding your ghost to an albino will yield absolutely 0 moonglows.
If you breed your
|Hypo(1gene) Anery(2gene) Het Albino(1gene)|(A)(Ghost het moonglow)
to an Albino(2gene)(B)
Then these are the possible babies that could be born in order of most likely:
-Normal double het Albino Anery
This baby has recieved 1 albino gene from the albino parent(B) (since it has two, it can only pass albino), 1 anery gene from the anery parent(A) (since it has two, it can only pass Anery), But it had 'lost' at the 50/50 chance to get the albino gene from the HET albino parent (A) and got a normal gene instead. It also lost the 50/50 chance to get the hypo gene from parent.(A) and got the normal gene instead. This baby ends up looking normal, but carries both a single Anery gene and a single Albino gene.
-Hypo double het Albino Anery
This baby has recieved 1 albino gene from the albino parent(B) (since it has two, it can only pass albino), 1 anery gene from the anery parent(A) (since it has two, it can only pass Anery), But it had 'lost' at the 50/50 chance to get the albino gene from the HET albino parent (A) and got a normal gene instead. It 'won' the 50/50 chance to get the hypo gene from parent.(A). This baby ends up looking Hypo, and carries both a single Anery gene and a single Albino gene.
-Albino Het anery
This baby has recieved 1 albino gene from the albino parent(B) (since it has two, it can only pass albino), 1 anery gene from the anery parent(A) (since it has two, it can only pass Anery),And 'won' at the 50/50 chance to get the albino gene from the HET albino parent (A) It 'lost' the 50/50 chance to get the hypo gene from parent.(A) and got the normal gene instead. This baby ends up looking Albino, and carries a single Anery gene.
-Hypo Albino (sunglow) het Anery
This baby has recieved 1 albino gene from the albino parent(B) (since it has two, it can only pass albino), 1 anery gene from the anery parent(A) (since it has two, it can only pass Anery),And 'won' at the 50/50 chance to get the albino gene from the HET albino parent (A) It 'won' the 50/50 chance to get the hypo gene from parent.(A) This baby ends up looking Hypo Albino(Sunglow), and carries a single Anery gene.
In Short: You can not get Anery from Albino x Hypo Anery het albino, since the Albino has 0 Anery genes to give and the baby needs to receive 1 from each parent to become a visual (2gene) Anery.
I once made an long post about this with diagrams and everything, genetics for beginners, but I can't find it..
12-23-19, 03:38 PM
Ah ok. I was just thinking that moonglow = anery x hypo x albino therefore albino x ghost = moonglow. Seems it's not that simple unfortunately.
I also have an anery het snow, what do you think is the best for this to get snows besides a snow.
The idea is that i want to do moonglows and snows, but i don't want to get a snow and a moonglow, just one or the other.
And i want an albino to go with my leopard to make albino leopard.
12-23-19, 08:16 PM
Also got a t+ poss het super sunglow. Not sure what to breed him with
12-24-19, 12:03 PM
Then either get a snow.
You'll get all Anery babies
Each baby has a 50/50 chance to be Albino Anery(Snow) but they'll all be HET it not.
Each baby has a 50/50 chance to be Hypo Anery (Ghost)
Some babies will get both hypo gene and the 2nd Albino gene and be Moonglow.
Or get a Moonglow for mostly the same results, The only difference will be, a lot more babies will be hypo. (Don't get a super sunglow or you won't get any snows, only Moonglows)
Im unsue of the genetics of the T+, as an animal can't be het for 'super' they either are, or they aren't, and it makes quite a difference.
12-24-19, 12:43 PM
I don't want to breed these together. For the moment there's 4 pairings that i'm looking for;
1- moonglow pair: ghost het moonglow x ???
2- snow pair: ??? x anery het snow
3- eclipse pair: leopard 66% het albino x col. motley
4- ??? pair: t+ poss. super sunglow x ???
I want either a snow for #2 or a moonglow for #1 but not both because of $$$. I'm just trying to determine what would be the best pairing for #1, #2 and #4.
12-26-19, 12:40 PM
You're not making a lot of sense, I have no idea what any of the genders of any of the snakes are.. Like I said before a 't+ poss het super sunglow' has to have some mistake in its name because there is no such thing as a poss het super, now you named it a t+ poss. super sunglow? I'm very confused as to what this animals genes are.
If you want advice on what pairings would be best, list genders and genes clearly.
12-26-19, 06:33 PM
I listed them as m x f.
For the t+, i had remembered it as t+ het super sunglow, but after reading your previous post, i want back to see what the seller wrote on the post and realized it was written differently.
12-27-19, 12:46 AM
here's a pic of the posting
12-27-19, 03:42 PM
I don't want to breed these together. For the moment there's 4 pairings that i'm looking for;
1- moonglow pair: ghost het moonglow x ???
2- snow pair: ??? x anery het snow
3- eclipse pair: leopard 66% het albino x col. motley
4- ??? pair: t+ poss. super sunglow x ???
I want either a snow for #2 or a moonglow for #1 but not both because of $$$. I'm just trying to determine what would be the best pairing for #1, #2 and #4.
I'll do my best here and list out good pairing options:
1. Snow, Sunglow het anery, Albino het anery, Hypo het moonglow, moonglow
2. Snow, Albino het anery, Anery het albino (These are the same as "het snow")
3. Leopard motley, Motley het leopard (This is the only way you'd get a visual eclipse in first generation of breeding)
4. T+ whatever you want (You need to figure out what you're looking to accomplish)
12-28-19, 02:30 AM
Thanks for the response, i know what i want now.
For the t+, the breeder said he'll have some available soon. So i'll get a female and go the super sunglow way. As you can see, they have a lot of red for t+. The guy has been breeding for 30 years and all his stuff has a lot of red in it.
12-28-19, 07:54 PM
Thanks for the response, i know what i want now.
For the t+, the breeder said he'll have some available soon. So i'll get a female and go the super sunglow way. As you can see, they have a lot of red for t+. The guy has been breeding for 30 years and all his stuff has a lot of red in it.
Cool stuff. Who is the breeder?
12-29-19, 02:06 AM
Stav from reptiles-concept in montreal.
Now that i figured those out, i need to find a breeder for bloods here in canada
12-29-19, 09:17 AM
Stav from reptiles-concept in montreal.
Now that i figured those out, i need to find a breeder for bloods here in canada
Stav is okay. He has his own line of hypo stuff. He also doesn't really believe in localities much so his stuff could be mixed.
Blood pythons? My friend in BC breeds them. Most blood breeders in Canada never stick around long.
My friend has blacks, albinos, borneo short tails. All 3 subspecies.
12-29-19, 12:56 PM
Sorry i meant blood boas.
12-29-19, 08:23 PM
Sorry i meant blood boas.
Morph Endorphins
12-30-19, 04:05 AM
Just sent him a message. Thanks
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