View Full Version : How would you describe the smell of snake musk?

12-21-19, 11:45 AM
...to someone who has never smelled it before? Is it true that it's much worse than feces?

And which species has the smelliest musk?

12-22-19, 04:08 PM
I was musked on by a wild garter snake. First time I was really really musked. It stank, and the stink is impossible to remove by ordinary means. You just have to wait for it to leave. I washed my hands many times and it barely helped. It is far worse than feces (feces are just a sort of ordinary stinky. The smell leaves after you clean up)

12-23-19, 08:27 AM
Musk can be pretty bad depending on the species. It's very pungent, and I find it hard to describe. It smells noticeably worse than feces, in my opinion. Thamnophis and Nerodia musk is terrible, and probably the one I hate the most out of the species I see regularly.

EL Ziggy
12-23-19, 04:40 PM
I've only been musked by king snakes and my scrub python. The smell is definitely unpleasant but not nearly as bad as feces imo.

12-26-19, 12:45 PM
Worst musk I've ever smelt was a ringneck, took days to get that smell off my hands.

12-27-19, 02:59 AM
Worst musk I've ever smelt was a ringneck, took days to get that smell off my hands.

Yikes. How would you describe the smell?

12-27-19, 02:05 PM
Worst musk I've ever smelt was a ringneck, took days to get that smell off my hands.I almost brought up Ringnecks, because they have an incredibly strong musk for something that size. Strangely enough, I don't find it nearly as disgusting as some others, despite it being so potent.

12-27-19, 03:42 PM
Completely gross

12-28-19, 05:41 AM
Rancid eggs boiled in urine, only thing that came to mind.. It was nasty