View Full Version : New to the Forum and Need Advice

10-29-19, 07:03 PM
Hello all, I actually don't own a snake yet but I am seriously thinking of getting one. I just need some questions answered. First, in your more experienced opinions what would be the best choice for a terrarium? Are the terrarium kits that I find at PetSmart a good choice or are they not reliable? Second, would it be a bad place to put the terrarium in front of a window? Would it mess with the temperature in the winter? That's all I can think of for now but if you all can give me as much advice as you can I would be greatfull. Also, I'm not too sure on how to make a new thread. I don't even really know how I got here. Thanks!

10-30-19, 07:15 AM
Welcome to the forum and hopefully to snake keeping as well.

1. I think pet stores are okay but I'd check if there's any reptile specific pet stores in your area and go check those out. Those would be better suited to help create a set up for your chosen species.

2. I don't recommend near windows for the problems you mentioned. You could end up with too high or too low of temperatures.

10-30-19, 12:57 PM

What are you looking for in a snake (size, handleability, etc.) and what are your goals with the terrarium?

If your primary goal is keeping a snake in a naturalistic terrarium with soil and real plants, garter snakes are a great option. They are small enough that they won't crush and kill your plants. I have two. One hangs out in the open often and both are active during the day. That said, a lot of snakes can be kept in naturalistic terrariums, too.

The pet store kits look appealing, but I'd recommend piecing your own stuff together through individual purchases. I've never purchased a kit, but I've looked at them and always felt like I wanted to replace a few of the items in the kit with another brand or model of the item, which would cancel out any cost savings. But you just have to know what you want and like; maybe the kit can be a good fit.

Also definitely do not put an enclosure in front of a window. It will make the temperature in the tank fluctuate too unpredictably.

Good luck!

10-30-19, 01:32 PM
Thank you for the tips. I was thinking of getting a BP. Can you please tell me any brands that you prefer for the items in the terrarium? And any advice that you could give to a beginner. I want to be as prepared as I can before I get the BP.

10-30-19, 01:38 PM
For terrariums, getting one from the store isn't a bad option. You pay a little more than going online but you should receive some help from staff. Also it's one animal, you won't really spend anything on upkeep.

For brands, the only thing I'm sort of against are thermostats are expensive in pet stores. I'd go buy a hydro farm or something off amazon.

10-30-19, 01:39 PM
What you can do is make a list of ALL the items you need. Then goto a store and price them out. You can then go home and see if there's better options online, like here or something and then decide how to piece it altogether.

10-30-19, 02:15 PM
Alright, thank you!