10-28-19, 05:06 PM
Perhaps it's just the cooler weather coming in but I have switched to banded crickets simply because that's the only crickets I can get from a certain online source. These crickets definitely last longer than any I get at local pet stores. I do however notice my green snakes aren't downing them as often as the others and have never caught a glimpse of them eat one. I do see my snakes stalk the spot I leave cucumbers/squash for the crickets. My setup is full on bio active and whatever they don't eat feeds the isopods and springtails. I only leave a small amount of crickets in the tank at a time. Has anyone had issues with these crickets? Again I do think this could possibly just be the changing of seasons. It's my first fall/winter with the green snakes. I do see my turtles already slacking on their greens.