View Full Version : Help BP sudden behavior change

09-25-19, 12:11 AM
I recently adopted a BP off a friend who said he was friendly and handled him often, I fed him and let him get used to his surroundings for one week while monitoring him from a distance. I handled him three days ago and everything was fine, fed him the day after that and now two days have passed scenes then. He had to be moved to the kitchen, we are having issues in his normal room, which is cooler than I would like. As I was cooking and moving around he stuck in his inclosure while I walked past and then again while my mother passed by. I thought it could be because he could smell what we were cooking ( shrimp ) but my parents think other wise. I would like help figuring out what caused his change in behavior, I don’t want to have to re-home him if it’s just because of the lingering smell he wouldn’t be staying in the kitchen much longer anyway. Thank you

09-25-19, 11:43 AM
The snake was likely just startled. I'd move it to a room where there is less traffic walking by.

09-26-19, 11:28 AM
I agree that moving him out of the kitchen is a good idea.
BPs are a shy species and don't do well in high traffic areas. He's probably stressed and striking defensively.

But in order to get a more definitive answer to your question we'll need to know more. The more you tell us the better we can help.

- how are you heating the enclosure?
- are your heat sources regulated by a THERMOSTAT?
- what are your temps? And how are you measuring temps?
- are there at least two appropriately fitting hides?

- I know you mentioned handling him. I strongly advise holding off on handling until the animal has time to settle in and acclimate to his new home. News smells, new people, other pets (if you have any), etc... are all stressors and handling is the biggest.
I always suggest new keepers wait until the snake has eaten 3 consecutive meals without refusal before handling.

Remember,the more you tell us the better we can help