09-16-19, 12:50 PM
I'm new to the snake community, but have done a lot of research before purchasing my first corn snake from a reputable reptile store. He was a hatchling when I bought him about a month ago. His first shed with us was unsuccessful, after about a week of trying to remove all of it, we finally got everything off. He's a great eater of pinkies! And is rather active when he is NOT in shed. I live in South Florida so humidity is pretty great here, the gauge varies between 45%- 60%. He is still a hatchling so we have him in a 10 gallon for now (we will upgrade). We have aspen, a tree branch, vines, water dish, and 2 hides (one cold side one of hot). I had high hopes for his second shed which was yesterday. He started shedding and was slithering around his enclosure for about an hour or 2, instead of inching his way out of his shed. Only shed about 1/4 his body before giving up.
I am doing everything right as far as my research goes.
I will take to a vet if need be.
PS. He is of a morph I have never seen which is why he stood out to me. His patterns are very light and barely noticeable (stipes and triangles toward his tail) His color is PINK but not albino. Store described his to be "pewter"
I'm new to the snake community, but have done a lot of research before purchasing my first corn snake from a reputable reptile store. He was a hatchling when I bought him about a month ago. His first shed with us was unsuccessful, after about a week of trying to remove all of it, we finally got everything off. He's a great eater of pinkies! And is rather active when he is NOT in shed. I live in South Florida so humidity is pretty great here, the gauge varies between 45%- 60%. He is still a hatchling so we have him in a 10 gallon for now (we will upgrade). We have aspen, a tree branch, vines, water dish, and 2 hides (one cold side one of hot). I had high hopes for his second shed which was yesterday. He started shedding and was slithering around his enclosure for about an hour or 2, instead of inching his way out of his shed. Only shed about 1/4 his body before giving up.
I am doing everything right as far as my research goes.
I will take to a vet if need be.
PS. He is of a morph I have never seen which is why he stood out to me. His patterns are very light and barely noticeable (stipes and triangles toward his tail) His color is PINK but not albino. Store described his to be "pewter"