View Full Version : Cage size minimum for WLP

That Guy
09-13-19, 05:47 PM
Hello all. First post here. I seem to have trouble finding many post on WLP. I recently picked up a juvenile pair and i am going to build them cages(separate) my question is, what would a minimum size be? I read they like multiple hides and can be climbers. I want to build a stackable cage so i dont want to go super high. Just trying to see what a suggested h×d×w size might be for when these guys become adults as these will hopefully be there first and last cage. Also i read different things as far as heat goes. Would a covered heat tape be best or should i stick with a heat pad and heat lamps.

Thanks for the suggestions.

09-16-19, 06:51 AM
White lips obtain a decent size and from my experience are semi-arboreal.

You're definitely looking at 4 x 2 x 18 inches or 2 feet for a single adult enclosure. Some specimens do obtain a larger size and would need something bigger.

EL Ziggy
09-16-19, 10:15 AM
I agree with Aaron. A 4x2x2 or 6x2x2 would be a nice sized enclosure for a WLP.

09-16-19, 12:44 PM
Welcome to the sSNAKESs forum!! :D

Which WLPs did you pick up...Northern or Southern?

I have two Northern sub-adults, that are still in quarantine, and I have a breeding pair coming in later this month. My sub-adults will be in a 40gal for the first few months and then I'll eventually get them into a 4'x2'x20" Melamine-laminated wooden enclosure. The breeding pair will go straight into the 4'x2'x20" enclosures.

Make sure you put something for them to climb on in the enclosure, branches, dowels, etc. and some fake plants/vines.

That Guy
09-16-19, 06:11 PM
I have two Northern sub-adults, that are still in quarantine, and I have a breeding pair coming in later this month. My sub-adults will be in a 40gal for the first few months and then I'll eventually get them into a 4'x2'x20" Melamine-laminated wooden enclosure. The breeding pair will go straight into the 4'x2'x20" enclosures.

Make sure you put something for them to climb on in the enclosure, branches, dowels, etc. and some fake plants/vines.

I also have northern.

Are you keeping them (male and female) separate?