View Full Version : How to flush out snake nostrils

09-06-19, 03:32 PM
My python whistles for about 1 year. It had happened after strong physical activity only. And today after she shed she started to whistle much more.
Now if she stops moving after 5 mins whistling is gone. But it was gone much faster until the last shedding.
She used to whistle
It's not respiratory infection for sure. She sleeps in her nest having 33 C of heat. So it's either rhinitis.

When I was making a cage for my snake I covered it with acrylic lacquer. I have guesses that snake rubbing along wood covered with acrylic lacquer, tear of particles of acrylic lacquer and had her nostrils blocked.

We haven't reptile veterinarians in my town. And I want to flush out snake nostrils. Does anyone have literature about how to do it?

09-07-19, 04:27 PM
I took warm water and placed my snake into it for 20 min. Today she is ok and often whistling is gone.