View Full Version : Okee Dokey Vanan!

03-05-03, 05:06 PM
You like this guy??

03-05-03, 05:07 PM
sort of...

03-05-03, 07:29 PM
You know what Mark, zonatas have been my least liked of the Lampropeltis. Sorry if I've offended your highness by saying that, but, this guy looks cool. I've loved the crazy banding they have but the head used to put me off. This guy's head is pale and nice. Never knew that they had the cute faces are kings do too. Hmmm....we may have a convert here.

Gee thanks Mark! Not another snake to add onto my already-long wanted list. :D

03-05-03, 09:19 PM
They are "different" for sure. They act like they are interested in everything around them--not just for food!

03-06-03, 01:13 AM
I like 'em! :)