View Full Version : Constipated Sav

Agent Coop
08-17-19, 05:52 PM
Hello All!

This might be a dead forum, but I'm looking for any help I can get. I have a two year old Savannah Monitor that is severely constipated for about a week and a half. I've been soaking him in warm water, and he will occasionally pass white-chalky urea, but will not fully defecate. He's quite bloated, and i'm afraid he may be impacted. He is still very active and wants to eat, but I don't want feed him if he is not able to pass waste. Is there anything else I can do to ease his discomfort and help him out, or do I need to go see a vet? Is there a natural laxative I can feed him that will help him pass his waste?

Enclosure info: 8(L)x4(w)x6(h)', 60/40 - topsoil/sand, basking temp: 115-130F, low temp: 85-95F, humidity: 60-80%, two water basins (one heated), UVB, 12h light cycle


08-20-19, 01:40 PM
#1 suggestion IMO? Get the pet to the vet and let them do an ultrasound...it doesn't cost and arm and a leg and then can let you know if you need surgery, etc.