View Full Version : Male boa in a 4x2x2

08-10-19, 06:10 PM
I came across a steal and purchased a 4x2x2 for dirt cheap from a guy locally and i was curious, if i were to purchase a male boa that was roughly 2-3 feet how long coukd it stay in that cage before outgrowing it. I have experience with all sorts of reptiles jusst not really boas.

EL Ziggy
08-12-19, 03:36 PM
Depending on which type of boa you have a 4x2x2 might fine for the life of your critter. I plan to keep my BI in a 4x2 for life unless he gets huge.

08-13-19, 01:37 PM
Thanks for the response Ziggy, sorry I am new to boas... So if I were to get a male BI that was around 2-3 feet it would definitely be fine in the 4x2 for a couple years?
Just want to make sure that I have everything before hand so I dont put myself into a crappy situation lol.

08-15-19, 12:36 PM
My take on my 4x2x2 cages is L+W (4'+2'=6')...so my snakes are re-homed to a larger cage when they reach 6' in length; however, if you have some vertical space that can be used (i.e. branches, shelf, etc.), then you could let the snake grow a bit more before moving to a larger enclosure. Just my 2¢ worth...

I came across a steal and purchased a 4x2x2 for dirt cheap from a guy locally and i was curious, if i were to purchase a male boa that was roughly 2-3 feet how long coukd it stay in that cage before outgrowing it. I have experience with all sorts of reptiles jusst not really boas.

EL Ziggy
08-15-19, 01:11 PM
Thanks for the response Ziggy, sorry I am new to boas... So if I were to get a male BI that was around 2-3 feet it would definitely be fine in the 4x2 for a couple years?
Just want to make sure that I have everything before hand so I dont put myself into a crappy situation lol.

I think you'll definitely be good for at least a couple of years with the 4x2.

08-21-19, 05:54 PM
There is quite few localities of BI that the male may never get larger than 6 feet in length. Certainly any of your dwarf localities - such as Sonoran, Tarahumara, & Crawl Caye. But also Hog Island, Nicaraguan, and Costa Rican males are very likely to stay under 6 feet.

So any of these could spend their entire lives being kept in a 4'x2'x2' cage.