View Full Version : Rescue Boa What sort??????

03-05-03, 03:39 PM
This Boa was rescued by a friend of mine it belonged to a coupl,e who had her for 12 years then as usual when they went their seperate ways she was not wanted, after 12years that is so sad anyway my friend took her on as she was being badly neglected (fed maybe once a month, not cleaned out ect.) I don't know anything about boas I am a cornsnake owner, can anyone tell me what sort she is, she is only about 5foot in length and she is very sweet. Thanks for any advice given..

03-05-03, 03:41 PM
Here is another pic of her,..

03-05-03, 03:42 PM
it looks alot like a BCO, but im not positive, that is my guess.

03-05-03, 04:17 PM
It's NOT a BCO, it's a BCi. Just a dark one. also looks to be a circle back....nice

03-05-03, 04:21 PM
oh, never saw one like that, are they more expensive that the kind like mine? oh, thats very nice you took him in.

03-05-03, 04:53 PM
Thanks for all your help sorry if I seem a bit thick but what is a BCi as you can tell I don't know anything about them, thanks again though..

03-05-03, 04:56 PM
boa constrictor imperator, the most common of the boas. the more expensive is the BCC, which is the boa constrictor constrictor, the sometimes get bigger than BCI's, and can be more difficult to keep. Make sure you start reading up on boas so you know all you can.

03-05-03, 05:18 PM
It appears to be the northern Mexican form of Bci (which are very dark) I can't rule out a central American Bci either which can also be very dark(Darren Hamill has some beauties of that form).What ever It is it is an awesome looking boa,and I would hope that It will get a good home and care from now on.


03-05-03, 07:20 PM
It's just a dark bci
i have a 10 year old rescue and is a lot darker then that one .
oh and the structure on this baby is just BEAUTIFUL!:O

03-05-03, 07:31 PM
Nice of you taking that, boa home look after him/her.Read up on some care sheets,& ask questions,people here will help you too.

03-05-03, 08:51 PM
If it is a BCI, which it certainly apears to be, it should be a bit longer then 5' after 12yrs, especially if it's a female. Just a thought. How accurate is that measurement? Do you know if it is eating F/T? Does your friend who rescued it have any snake experience?

03-05-03, 09:39 PM
very nice glad to hear she found a good home best of luck

03-05-03, 09:45 PM
I'd definitely say its a BCI, whatever locality I am not sure. It's virtually impossible to pinpoint something like that. However, I agree with hip in that it is most likely a of mexican/central american origin :)

Originally posted by BoidKeeper
If it is a BCI, which it certainly apears to be, it should be a bit longer then 5' after 12yrs, especially if it's a female.

Depending on locality. That is a bit small for a female Colombian, but a female Nicarguan will usually finish up that size.

03-06-03, 07:52 PM
She is a very beautiful dark bci. Take care of her, if you can't please give her to someone who can.
Take care my friend, you and your herps~Greg~