View Full Version : Should I keep my BP in a large or small viv

08-04-19, 01:59 PM
I’m looking at buying a no I am already an owner to 2 corn snakes a bearded dragon and 3 leopard geckos, I’ve done plenty of research and know pretty much everything about their care and wellbeing but I’ve heard they don’t like big vivariums, I’ve got two opinions a 115cm long or an 85cm long about each 49 high and 40 back leave your advice below!:)

08-05-19, 10:04 AM
Are the snakes cohabitated or housed separately?

Oh wait, you're talking about a new enclosure for a new BP right?

08-05-19, 04:31 PM
Are the snakes cohabitated or housed separately?

Oh wait, you're talking about a new enclosure for a new BP right?

Yes I have the corn snakes in separate vivariums but I’m talking about a new ball python vivariums

08-07-19, 12:21 AM
Ball Pythons recommended amount of space is actually quite the controversial subject sometimes. Some say the snake needs enough room so that it can stretch its whole body across the long end of the cage, others claim that as long as the snake can stretch its whole body along the length and width combined its fine, and others say even smaller is better.

In my personal opinion it depends on just how good a life you want your snake to have. I've seen snakes thrive in tubs that they cannot stretch out fully even 1 width and 1 length combined, others have thrived in bigger cages ( a bit bigger than stretching their full length across). My favorite is tubs with enrichment that the snake seems to fit comfortably in, or enclosures with enrichment that are bigger with lots of hiding space.

Going too big can be harmful tho so in my opinion if the cage is more than than your snakes length and 1/2 its too big. Ball pythons are known to like small spaces but also do enjoy exploring so it is mostly up to you overall and what you think is best!

(all the information here is purely opinion as far as I know and is only being said in regards to ball pythons, not all snakes)

08-09-19, 04:56 AM
So should I go with the 115cm and just add lots of decorations and stuff to climb or 85 and keep it simple?

08-09-19, 11:04 AM
I would stay smaller, at least to start. You can always upgrade later.

BPs typically thrive in smaller enclosures as juveniles. Security is paramount for this species.