07-24-19, 02:00 PM
I've always loved snakes, but have been to apprehensive about pulling the trigger on owning one. However, late last night i had one crawl over my girls foot (i thought she was dying, but we will save that for later). I captured it in a 5 gallon bucket and tried doing my research on what it was. If it's non venamous and doesn't exceed the 20cm i believe the bred to be (Dekay’s Brown Snake) i plan to convert my old 10 gallon fish tank into a home for the little guy.
attached is a picture, so please let me know if i'm correct about the species before i handle it AT ALL.
I've always loved snakes, but have been to apprehensive about pulling the trigger on owning one. However, late last night i had one crawl over my girls foot (i thought she was dying, but we will save that for later). I captured it in a 5 gallon bucket and tried doing my research on what it was. If it's non venamous and doesn't exceed the 20cm i believe the bred to be (Dekay’s Brown Snake) i plan to convert my old 10 gallon fish tank into a home for the little guy.
attached is a picture, so please let me know if i'm correct about the species before i handle it AT ALL.