View Full Version : snake not eating

07-20-19, 07:56 PM
so my ball python who is about 4 years old hasn't eaten in about 4 weeks. she is not an aggressive snake and stopped striking her prey a while ago, so I usually just leave the rat in her terrarium and she'll sometimes eat it (but she skips meals a lot) Some of those times when she skipped meals was when she was about to shed but she isn't about to shed right now so I don't know why she isn't eating.

07-22-19, 05:30 PM
Ball pythons often go on "hunger strikes" where they won't eat for a while, sometimes for months at a time. If it's only been 4 weeks, I wouldn't worry about it unless it seems like she's losing weight.

EL Ziggy
07-22-19, 08:57 PM
I agree with Veronica. If your temps are dialed in and the snake isn't losing much weight I wouldn't worry. BPs are known to take unexpected food breaks. I had a BP that once went 8 months without food and he was perfectly fine. I hope your critter gets back on track soon.

07-23-19, 08:44 AM
She's probably just on a typical food strike. If she's not losing weight I wouldn't sweat it for at least a few more months.

How much does the snake weigh?
What size rats are you feeding and how often?

08-14-19, 01:52 PM
I have had hunger strikes with mine that lasted for months. I found a guaranteed way to get any of my snakes to eat. Simple and low cost. Put the snake in a shoe box (or a box that they fit in) and put the rat in the box with them. Throw in a feeder, close it up and make sure they cant escape. Put the box in their enclosure and go to bed. EVERY time I have had to do this it worked. Never a wasted rat since having tried this method.

08-20-19, 09:43 PM
I have had hunger strikes with mine that lasted for months. I found a guaranteed way to get any of my snakes to eat. Simple and low cost. Put the snake in a shoe box (or a box that they fit in) and put the rat in the box with them. Throw in a feeder, close it up and make sure they cant escape. Put the box in their enclosure and go to bed. EVERY time I have had to do this it worked. Never a wasted rat since having tried this method.
Is the rat live or frozen/thawed.

I am asking this because live rats will injure their attackers whenever possible.

08-21-19, 08:42 PM
Frozen/Thawed is the only way I feed