View Full Version : HELP Sumatran Python suddenly a demon?

05-17-19, 05:54 PM
Ok brief synopsis:

Have had my Sumatran python for a year and a half now, got him as a hatchling. He has always been the most docile snake, easily handled, just a puppy dog of a snake. He eats great! Adult mouse once a week F/T, sheds great, poops in his water bowl great haha, no issues Ever or now that I can see.

Today as I have always done a million times, I went into his enclosure to replace his moss with fresh wet moss, and to clean and change his water. I always check where he is, give him a little back stroke to be like hey dude what is up. This dude, his name is Vader, struck out of nowhere, didn’t get me, but struck several times, and then even struck at the glass. And then was just out on display in full blood python pissed off position. I put the lid back on and was like I will come back later to put his water bowl back. He sat like this for FIVE hours, I’ve never seen him do this ever.

He ate about four-five days again so he couldn’t be hungry, and they were definitely defensive strikes. So i check the temps 82 ok hot side and 78 on cold side, humidity at 70, he’s not in shed.

Did an alien come and change out my snake or what?

Also i use and under the tank heater but wondering if I should use a top heater or both? His tank is 30 gallon right now, he’s like 4 ft, thick thick dude.

He is now back under the substrate like always so I put the water bowl back, and this dude struck again! So now I’m here wondering what is going on

Also his hide usually is up against the moss but not trying to move to much till he’s chilled, don’t want stress him too much.

05-18-19, 05:47 AM
If he's only being fed an adult mouse weekly he's likely hungry. At a year and a half he should be on small or medium rats depending on his weight.

05-18-19, 07:49 AM
If he's only being fed an adult mouse weekly he's likely hungry. At a year and a half he should be on small or medium rats depending on his weight.

Although I totally agree with the feeding advice, the behaviour described is not feeding related.

05-18-19, 08:10 AM
Although I totally agree with the feeding advice, the behaviour described is not feeding related.

It doesn't necessarily sound defensive to me either though. So my next thought was naturally that it may be food driven. And considering we're talking a 4 foot STP only eating a mouse weekly hunger makes the most sense to me.

EL Ziggy
05-18-19, 11:51 AM
Double check those temps and make sure he's not too hot. Hungry snakes can also be grumpy snakes :). I'd try feeding him larger meals.

05-18-19, 12:42 PM
Thanks guys!! Appreciate the responses! I will definitely look into the rats, that was my mistake. Definitely don’t think it was a feeding response though, but I’ll make the switch this coming week and see if that helps. For the heat, I agree that could be it, I lowered it and adjusted the temp reader for the thermoregulater so it’s touching the bottom. He has ALOT of substrate because he is burrowed most of the time so maybe that would throwing the temp off? He’s never done that to me before and the way he just sat on top of the substrate for hours in pose was so bizarre. I’ll give it a week and try again, if he still defensive/angry I’m going to take him to the vet to be safe.

Ugh wish they could talk sometimes. Only snake of mine that ever acts like is my ETB, and she’s well an ETB :)

05-27-19, 07:54 PM
Is it possible the snake is grumpy because it wants to mate?

05-30-19, 07:14 AM
Is your thermostat probe inside the enclosure?

05-30-19, 08:14 PM
Yeah the thermometer is inside for all my snakes. It was the feeding, I switched him to medium sized rats from adult mice and he is back to usual self!

05-31-19, 07:16 AM
Yeah the thermometer is inside for all my snakes. It was the feeding, I switched him to medium sized rats from adult mice and he is back to usual self!

I'm talking thermostat, not thermometer.

05-31-19, 06:53 PM
Yup, I use a Zilla thermal regulator, and also have a thermometer and humidity gauge in the enclosure, as well as a heat gun I use everyday.

05-31-19, 06:56 PM
So yes the black probe is inside the enclosure, don’t know why anyone would not have it in the enclosure? Wouldn’t do much good reading my household temperature

05-31-19, 11:25 PM
So yes the black probe is inside the enclosure, don’t know why anyone would not have it in the enclosure? Wouldn’t do much good reading my household temperature

The probe goes outside the enclosure, sandwiched between the heat mat and the glass.
When it's inside it can be moved, peed on, etc... which can all lead to inaccurate readings and potential heat spikes.
Typically you'll have to set the tstat a few degrees higher than the desired temp. So if you're looking for a hot spot at 88-89 you'll likely have to set the tstat to 92 or so.
Then you measure surface temps with a temp gun.

06-01-19, 07:00 PM
Thank you for the tip! But I haven’t heard it being done that way and I don’t do that with any of of my snakes. Blood pythons being floor jungle snakes like it on the cooler side compared to other pythons. The enveloping of the dense trees makes it a lot cooler. I like the probe to be where he lays, which is in between the substrate which is about 3-4 inches thick, he only burrows. Since I switched him to Rats From adult mice he has been his usual self. If the temps where too hot I could see him being agitated, but colder temps make snakes more lethargic, so definitely not a heating issue that caused the aggression. But thank you! I’ll give that some thought