View Full Version : A man on a mission or... something else?

05-17-19, 01:02 PM
My kingsnake has been very restless for the last couple weeks. He is normally only active for a little while everyday. He periodically comes out, does a slow cruise of his enclosure and then finds a place to chill for a while. Later he retreats back to one of his hides. What he is displaying now, though, is very unusual. He is crawling the walls, literally, and doing his version of pacing. He is mostly cruising back and forth, up and down, at the glass front of his cage, off and on all day. I'd guess it's totaling several hours everyday. Presumably he is looking for an escape route.

He is approaching 3 years old and I have had him for 2.5 years. Nothing has changed in his enclosure or environment. Though I say "he" and "his", I've not had him sexed so am not entirely certain. Was told at purchase he was "thought" to be a male, but admitted it wasn't certain. At the time I didn't care.The type of restlessness he is displaying isn't normal and rather disturbing. I'm really wondering why it is happening. Do I maybe have a man on a mission to find a mate?

If he was one of my mammalian pets, I would cart him off to the vet, fearing an illness. Other than the restlessness, he seems fine so I've no other reason to suspect a health issue. Am not opposed to a vet visit. Am just not sure it is worth stressing him. He's normally a timid dude he prefers not to be handled.

Any thoughts?

05-17-19, 01:21 PM
While im not super experienced I can say my kingsnake recently went through the exact same behaviour changes and I think that maybe it has to do with the fact that kingsnake breeding season is from late March to August.

EL Ziggy
05-17-19, 01:38 PM
I'd probably agree that his hormones are raging. :)

05-17-19, 03:08 PM
Would be my guess as well. Should be getting the right age for it.

05-18-19, 09:32 AM
... kingsnake breeding season is from late March to August.

Oy! If he does this the whole time, it's going to be a long Summer. [sigh] Am really starting to appreciate the standard practice of neutering our pet mammals.