View Full Version : Hello and Help Please

05-12-19, 07:08 AM
Hello, this is my first time using this site. I have owned snakes for about three years. I currently have a 3.5 year old rosy boa (balboa) and a 2.5 year old pastel ball python (Justine Timber Snake or Timber for short).

I joined because I am concerned about my rosy boa because he has not eaten for three months and I was looking for some advice. I have brought him to a vet who suggested that I increase his temps and she also force fed him on the same visit.

He lives in a 20gallon tank. I have about 2-3in of aspen substrate which is plenty for him to burrow in which he regularly does. There is a water dish on the cold side, several branches and rocks throughout the tank. There is a cool hide, a hide in the middle and a hide on the hot side.

I have a UTH on the hot side which I had measuring at 92 degrees and my vet told me to increase it to 98 to get him out of brumation in case that was the cause for his lack of eating. I had the rheostat sensor touching the glass and I realized that while the bottom was getting to 98 the air temp was high 70s and the humidity was around 50%. For this reason I recently added an overhead heater as well. Now the cool side registers at 80 degrees with 40% humidity and the hot side measures about 95-98 with 15-20% humidity.

He is very active and is seeming to be constantly exploring and trying to escape.

I will try feeding him tomorrow now that I have made these changes, but I was wondering if anyone had any additional suggestions. Thank you!