View Full Version : Help with Red Tail identification

04-30-19, 04:11 PM
Hi everyone! My names Justin I just joined this forum. I recently bought my first red tail boa 3 weeks ago. I’ve owned ball pythons in the past but never a red tail. She was just advertised as a red tail boa but wanted to know if you guys could help me identify what subspecies/locality she is with some pictures. I can’t seem to figure out how to post pictures of her. I’m sorry this is my first time posting!

05-02-19, 08:01 AM
I think you need 5 posts to be able to post a picture.

05-04-19, 09:12 AM
the chances are its a boa imperata type. the true red tail are (bcc) or (bc) now . these are normally Suriname,Guyana,Brazilian and Peruvian.there a few more too.
you normally pay a lot more for these as they are truly stunning and are pretty distinctive and are line bred for saddle shape and tail colour etc and are generally easily recognizable
the boa imperata type boas also include a lot of locality boas like Nicaraguan,corn islands,hogg islands and sonoran to name a few.but a lot have these have been inter bred and their gene pool has been muddied, if they are locality type then most people will advertise this,so unless you know what any of the parents genes are then its hard to tell and may only be classed as a normal or common boa
hope this helps