View Full Version : Mangetic ledges and PVC enclosures

04-21-19, 09:37 PM
Hello everyone so I'm looking to get my first animal plastics cage in a month or two here and I'm looking for decor to decorate the cage up but my question is will The magnaturals ledges hold through the AP enclosures ? And if not how would I go about mounting a kedge inside one of these cages that aren't glass ? Thanks in advance !

04-23-19, 05:29 PM
You may be able to screw them in but I'm not entirely sure on that. What kind of animal is the enclosure for?

04-23-19, 05:54 PM
Doesn't AP offer the option of a ledge? If so, I'd go with that.

04-23-19, 06:51 PM
For a 5 ft jungle carpet..they ledge the offer is very industrial looking...my goal is to create a naturalistic enclosure

04-23-19, 07:01 PM
For a 5 ft jungle carpet..they ledge the offer is very industrial looking...my goal is to create a naturalistic enclosureI understand. I only have one of their enclosures and didn't order the ledge.

EL Ziggy
04-25-19, 12:06 PM
I'd go with the AP shelf. Most of the magnetic shelves I've seen probably wouldn't support the weight of an adult carpet.